Chapter 373 The Warmth He Gave Her

Bianca wanted to stay the night with Nina, but Nina insisted that she leave.

"The nurses at the hospital will be able to take care of me. You don't have to spend your entire day with me," Nina said.

"Lanie and Rainie are still young, and they need their mother's company," she continued, "If you stay here, what should the kids do if they miss their Mommy?"

Also, Luke had been calling Bianca non-stop. Bianca did not get to stay in the hospital but instead returned to Luke's mansion.

She had just stepped into the mansion when she realized that something was amiss.

However, she could not say exactly what it was.

When she opened the front door, she was utterly shocked by what she saw!

The entire house had transformed into a sea of flowers.

The wall in the middle was decorated with balloons of all colors and shapes.

Pink gauze fabric surrounded the living room, which added a romantic touch to the pastoral scene.

An exquisite cake was placed in the middle of the table.

The writing in the center of the cake was the most eye-catching. It read: Happy Birthday, Mommy! We love you!

Before Bianca could come to her senses from the initial surprise, two little children appeared from behind the wall of balloons.

Each of them was hugging a plush toy that was almost their height.

in front of Bianca. "Happy birthday,

not expecting that

down. Then, she took the plush toys from the children's hands, crouched

a nice

birthday for many years.

her grandfather would remember her birthday and

house, no one celebrated her birthday for

celebrated her twenty-fourth birthday with her two children, and that had

mother was a dumpy-looking brown

placed the toys on

tenderness after having received presents from

faces on her body.


the hospital carrying a lot of germs. She did not want to spread

all, the children's immune systems were

today, and I'm very dirty. Can we continue the celebration after I take a

of Bianca so she could go

his sister softly. "What do you think of my outfit today, Rainie? Am I handsome?" "You're the handsomest, Big Bro! You're ten times more handsome than Daddy!" Rainie did not hold back on her

proud of her aesthetic sense, and her father was her hero. She thought that her father was incredibly handsome, but her brother was

"You're also very pretty, like the

girl was ecstatic when

toward the full body mirror in a corner of the room and struck several

nice because of our parents' genes. When I grow up, I'll look for a handsome husband. What should I do if I

on the couch and rested her cheeks on

for a husband in the future. Not only your future husband must be more handsome than me, but he'll also need to have a good character. He can't date you without my permission. Understand?" "I know. Big Bro, you're the nicest to me. You'll have to protect me when

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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