Chapter 372 It’s A Surprise, But It's A Pleasant One

Nina was still recovering from an operation and she could barely move. Her mother came to ask for money from her and was not even concerned about her wellbeing.

Did Nina have any conscience? Did she deserve to be a mother? 1

When the door opened, the people in the ward turned to look in that direction.

Nina's eyes were full of pain and confusion.

The young nurse looked visibly relieved.

Anna gritted her teeth and became angrier.

"Bea..." Nina said hoarsely. Her lips were dry and cracked.

She sounded very aggrieved, like a bullied little animal who did not know how to retaliate.

Bianca's heart wrenched when she saw Nina like that.

She walked over and placed her handbag next to Nina's pillow.

She wiped Nina's tears from her eyes and said, "Don't be angry. All you need to do now is rest. You shouldn't be agitated. That won’t be good for your recuperation. Understand?"

Before Nina could say anything, Anna's plump body waddled over.

She pointed a finger at Bianca and started yelling. "Why are you here, you jinx? Aren't you satisfied after framing my son? Now you want to frame my daughter too? I've warned you, Nina, you'd better not get yourself tangled up with this woman. Why don't you listen to me?" "We're in a hospital now. Please be quiet!" Bianca turned around and regarded Anna sternly.

"I know you hate me, but this isn't the time to quarrel. Nina is your daughter. Aren't you the least bit concerned about why she's in the hospital? Let me tell you, Nina had just finished an operation, and her body is very weak now. Can't you see that she's already drenched in sweat? How can you even yell at her... Don't you think that you're not acting like her mother, Mrs. Langdon?"

heard that Nina had just finished an operation, but soon, she

at people, and never the one being

Bianca, whom she hated the most. That made

are? What right do you have to talk to me like that? Not only you caused my son to go to prison, but my daughter is also in the hospital

attack Bianca, so she started to get

Bianca's hair

Mom? Bianca is here to take care of me

were swollen from crying. Only then did she remember that she was at the hospital to ask her

nearly made her lose her mind and forget the reason she

have to raise the money for me no matter what. Otherwise, your brother might just die

to wipe

was very good at putting up an act. She turned away while pressing her stomach to hold back the pain, not willing to entertain

he wouldn't learn his lesson if he doesn't face some hardship. I really have no money now. All my debit and credit cards are with you, and you

Nina. She opened the door wide and kept

on the floor and started to throw a tantrum like

you out with a pillow after you're born! I've suffered so much while raising you, and this is how you repay me? Everyone, look at my ungrateful daughter. She only

was staying in a VIP ward. There

wards were next to each other, and there

their families peeked out of their rooms curiously to

stretched their necks toward

she saw her mother's tantrum. She was almost out of breath from

Nina, but at the same time was angry toward Anna. She took her handbag and slammed it next

when she opened the

the handbag

rest here. I'll come and look for you in a couple of days. The money here isn't enough. Go

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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