
Chapter 9

Soon, school was about to begin. The Everetts had already arranged for each of their children to have a car and a dower for getting to and from school. During breakdast, Lilith proposed to James that Hera should also have her own driver and car.

However, Mildred was the first to disagree with her suggestion. “We don’t even know the results of her entrance exam yet. Why rush into it?”

Lilith was rendered speechless by her sharp response. Seeming crestfallen, she stole glances at James in the hope that he would come to her defense.

Yet, James pretended not to notice. He sided with Mildred’s viewpoint.

Believing that He was destined to fall her entrance exam, James saw no reason to arrange a driver for her. Doing so would only attract ridicule from others and embarrass the


“Hera, you can ride with me if you want,” Giselle said kindly.

“No, thanks. already have a ride.” Hera declined

Her cold rejection left Giselle stunned. Nevertheless, Giselle attempted to uphold her image. She retrieved a folder and handed it to Hera

“These are some previous test papers that Chris completed. He’s always been one of the best students at Cavenridge. You can check them out. They could be useful for your entrance exam,” Giselle said.

Her gesture seemed considerate and kind to those around her.

Hera placed her cutlery down and stood up to leave. She didn’t even glance at the folder Giselle was holding

“What’s with the attitude? As 1 expected, people from rural mountain areas lack manners!” Mildred exclaimed, slamming the table in disapproval.

“Hera, don’t be upset. You can ride in my car. You don’t have to take a cab,” Giselle said

She quickly set down her cutlery and hurried to catch up with Hera before Lilith could. Giselle portrayed herself vividly and thoroughly as a person who was sensible, considerate, and thoughtful toward others.

As Giselle rushed outside, she spotted Hera getting into a sleek black limousine.

Giselle noticed that the emblem on the car was from Lincoln, but before she could catch a glimpse of the license plate, the car vanished around the corner.

The Everetts were considered aristocratic in Norburgh, though they were only on the fringes of the true aristocracy. The cars they provided their children were merely BMWs, each valued at several hundred thousand dollars.

Giselle couldn’t fathom how Hera could afford such a high–class vehicle. She was certain that the car Hera had left in was one she had booked online.

like Hera, who had recently arrived from the mountains, possibly have connections in Norburgh

rich man and become his mistress? If that were true, it would be just

scenarios, a flashyred Ferrari pulled

dressed sharply

me, Miss Has a young lady come by your

was taken aback when


Giselle. He thought

the four influential families. She had come across photos of

me with my face all painted up like that on that day,” Aaron remarked.

a woman’s back in the distance. From the silhouette,

Bernard, who was incredibly handsome Aaron

ploded. “That

and chose not to comment. “Thank you for

as “Boss” could only be associated with the Killians, the most prominent


Chapter to

he wanted

she mamarod to

else he wanted me bo tell you?” Amon happily tehdleved an elegant cake box from the passenger seat and handed it

striped b

this cake as a special

of desserts, pottiendale cakes, to keepher tigsten check However, her resolve softened

highly esteemed among elite social circles. Their cakes were expensive and highly sought after due

love cakes from this bras the most,” Giselle

boss wanted ine to

a bold and

was only then selle discovered a small white card with gold edges testing atop the cake box: Upon opening it,

elegant “Killian.”

kills from the renowned Killiam tamily? This family held the highest prestige among the four

as his boss from the Killian family, the person’s power and states

Giselle replied shady with and, teeling

pass it on to my boss. I won’t keep you any longer,” Aaron salilbefore hopping into his

het hand, feeling ecstark, She glanced at the strip ni tabele îi her other hand. The embroidered design seemed vaguely

the trash. Whose Labric it was

After all, the mysterious benefactor now owed his life

Aaron prompthe dialed Bernard’s number. “Boss, just like you asked, thanded her the strip of fabric andl the cake.”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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