
chapter 10

Dongles had known Bernard for right years. He noticed that Bernard hardly looked armen unless it was directly related to his work.

In fact, glas and three other assistants had privately joked about whether Bernard might prefer men over women

Fortunately, ernard had finallyshown interest in a woman! This was a relief for Douglas and the other assistants as they would no longer have to worry about their safety

They had been constantly on edge, fearing that Bernard might try to take advomlage of them.

In the hallway outside the Dean of Students‘ office, Andrew’s driver, Nigel Bathur, said, “Ms. Youngworth, I’m sorry, but Dean Cadden has a last–minute meeting with a important prestanden Linect you

“The Dean of Students will help you with your transfer ”

Hera nodded and calmly replied, “Thank you

Herface showed a distant demeanor that made her seem unapproachable.

Migel found himself pendering Hera’s connection with Andrew. It was curious that Andrew had consistentlympian theneed to treat her with exceptional care

The two reached the Deaned Students‘ office.

desk to front of him stood Melanie Miller, a teacher of mixed jadi and Terra berge

this transfer student will join your class,”

homeroom teacher for the junior–year students

level. After each semester, students were assigned to classes based on their cumulative exam

was served for the

the document. Herexpression soured as she glanced over

was known for its commitment to teaching excellence.

entrance exam and recehing an acceptanc


this student from a rural area being placed in class à

office Nigel need, accompanied by Hera,

the transier student assigned by Dean Ludden. She’s under your care now,” Nerisid

Youngworth, welcome. Take a seat,” Robert greeted warmly. He rose from his chair with a welcoming smile as he gestured for

and emphasized to

that Andrew held Hera in such high

was key to his hopes for

with a hint of disinterest. “What do

me introduce you to

under your wing now. Could you please

slender figure, and was elegantly dressed in a long dress. Yet, she gave off a

with Melanie

Hera’s close ties to Androw, Melanie detested such laveritism, especially when it

student like Hera undermine her stellar teaching reputation,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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