
Chapter 211

Seeing the mirrored shock on the students‘ faces, the teacher felt a sense of satisfaction.

The teacher explained, “The exam questions were meticulously crafted by the delegations of top universities just yesterday afternoon. The papers were printed under strict security measures and remained sealed until this moming.

“Not even Dean Lodden had access to them. The answer key was only released at noon today, so cheating was absolutely impossible!”

Gino and Zyler were dumbfounded. Every single student present was in a state of utter disbelief.

Even Christopher didn’t achieve a perfect score last year, and this year’s exam was even more challenging. Yet, Hera finished it in half an hour and got every single answer right!

Weren’t there rumors that Hera cheated on the entrance exam and left the midterms blank? How could she possibly achieve this level of academic excellence? And in such a short amount of time!

It was simply mind–boggling.

filled the

deal! Is this why the cheating scandal during the entrance exam was dropped?”

defended her on the forum, saying it was a misunderstanding.”


Didn’t she come from a small

intentionally turn in a blank paper to throw everyone off?”

serious under–the–radar

my allowance for

crowd erupted in a

on the bet. If his

Gino, then abruptly

still reeling from the news. Zyler stumbled and tell to the

Gino saw Zyler’s pale tace and couldn’t resist a

her rural background, broken off the engagement between their families, and indirectly caused the

expression went through a mix of emotions. He had only scored 150 and was a full 50 points behind Hera,

dream of getting a recommendation from Vardhar University

to your classrooms immediately and turn on the multimedia computers. Next,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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