
Chapter 212

Hera barely gave the invitation a glance before another representative eagerly stepped forward.

“We’re from Rutherford University, renowned for our excellence in mathematics, physics, medicine, law, and business. We’d like to invite you, Ms. Youngworth, to consider our


“We’re from Comridge University_“‘

“Here is the invitation from the Marlborough Institute of Technology..”

“We represent Scanborough University.”

One after another, representatives from over a dozen internationally renowned universities extended their invitations to Hera, a scene that left the entire Cavenridge faculty and student body in awe. This was a moment many could only dream of, yet it was unfolding right before their very eyes!

her beautiful face remained an enigmatic mask, revealing no hint of her thoughts. The esteemed invitations before her seemed to hold no more value than discarded

pleading for her to choose Vardhar University, the gateway to their

the pile of invitations before lifting to meet the eyes of those assembled.

room as she posed a question that stunned everyone, “Are

the world–renowned institutions were momentarily speechless while the Cavenridge students exchanged bewildered glances, Was she truly rejecting these global powerhouses in

two prestigious Jedburgh instinations, were caught off guard. A mixture of astonishment and delight washed over them. They yearned for this exceptional student, but

utter surprise, Hera’s question

are!” Representatives from Quantford and Bradbury eagerly

passed between them. Even if Hera chose the other, it was a win for Jedburgh as

steps apart,

you,” Hera replied, accepting

to attend was still pending, but her priority

the global institutions were dumbfounded. They had

opportunity that countless students yearned for, yet she had

you enlighten us as to why you’re narrowing it down to these two universities? Our teaching resources and overall offerings are undeniably superior.” Hera calmly replied, “I have no intention of studying abroad at

invdration. Vardhar University’s doors are always open to

Comridge University’s,” another representative

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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