Chapter 256

Achilling scream pierced the air behind the main house, startling the forest birds and sending shivers down Stephen and Nathan’s spines.

The scream echoed for what felt like an etemity before abruptly ceasing. Soon after, Aaron emerged from behind the house and vigorously wiped his hands with a handkerchief, looking disgusted.

Following closely behind him, two special forces dragged Eric out. Despite appearing unharmed, his expression was vacant, starkly contrasting his previously defiant demeanor just minutes earlier.

Stephen swallowed hard, struggling to comprehend how Aaron could have so thoroughly shattered Eric’s spirit in such a short span of time.

“Bernard, he said Ms. Youngworth had fled into the deep mountains,” Aaron reported to Bernard

Bernard checked his watch

“Five minutes. That’s p


swift as your three–minute

from an FBI spy in just three minutes.

minutes? What sort of hellish interrogation

it takes, find her before nightfall!” Bernard ordered coldly.


forces, accompanied by search dogs, into

house, clenching his fist Hera feared the


replied and tumed to

from different angles. He inserted a USB drive on the other laptop and swiftly typed commands. Lines

blared across the screen the satellite monitoring office at Meridian’s military aviation base, jolting the night

again Brace

It Raven again? He was here yesterday, and now he’s back?”

“Track his location!”


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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