Chapter 257

Hera reacted swiftly and clutched the vine. However, the branch tore through her sleeve and sent a sharp pain shooting up her arm.

Just as her other hand scrambled for a foothold, the vine snapped unexpectedly, causing her to plummet. With a resounding crash, Hera landed on bent knees to brace herself against the impact.

Despite the fall she managed to grab enough vines to avoid a worse tate, though both of her palms were now scraped raw and stinging

Ignoring the pain, Hera surveyed her surroundings. Above her, a narrow strip of sky marked the crevice she had fallen from, now hundreds of feet above and out of sight

Sunlight filtered through, casting an eerie glow downward, revealing what appeared to be a gaping mawin the mountain.

Hera wouldn’t have noticed that there was such a large opening on the upper ground if she hadn’t accidentally stepped into thin air.

The split in the mountain seemed almost naturally formed, opening into a vast, semi–oval space that looked partly excavated. It seemed bottomless and shadowy within.

A small stream flowed with crystal–clear mountain water among the scattered rocks on the ground. Alongside the stream, a few plump, giant rats cautiously watched her.

to the stream to wash her hands and face. She took a few refreshing sips of the ice–cold

still bleeding, so she ripped a strip from her torn sleeve to bandage the

sweater that was now torn at the sleeves. As time

approaching and the knowledge that it would only get colder after nightfall, Hera needed to leave the place as

flow downstream. Her movement startled a few giant


a small pond where the stream converged. She observed that

deep and foreboding.

the question. Her only options were to press on Into the unknown or face an

much of a choice, Hera steeled herself and cautiously advanced step

faint “clink” echoed through the silent cave: Hera had kicked something an old military flashlight. Dusty


light, Hera spotted a worn–out backpack not far ahead, she kicked a stone toward it when she noticed

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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