Chapter 245 Her Safety is Most Important


Even with a mask on, she recognized him at first glance.

As the best actor, Harry had a tall and slender figure, making him a natural model. Although the mask covered most of his face, his deep and narrow eyes, along with the perfect curve extending from under the mask to his neck, were enough to make people wonder about the stunning appearance hidden beneath the mask.

Harry looked into Aylin’s curved eyes and said, “Yes.”

With an unconcerned deep voice, the ending tone carried a hint of indifference.

Aylin’s heart suddenly warmed, and the siblings quickly exchanged glances, deciding to join forces to deal with these thugs.

In an instant, Blondie’s heart sank.

Dealing with this crazy woman was already difficult for them, and now she’s got an accomplice!

Aylin wouldn’t even give him a chance to speak.

With Harry’s help, she became even more powerful. The two of them worked together seamlessly. When the one blocked, the other would attack. As one defended, the other would strike. Their teamwork was impeccable, and they executed their moves in perfect harmony!

Harry even took the time to roll up his sleeves, grinning as he encouraged the person he had just punched down to get up and continue fighting.

The mesmerizing allure of his eyes gleamed in the light.

However, his strikes were not weak at all.

In just ten minutes, the siblings had managed to take down everyone in the group. One by one, they clutched their painful spots and wailed “Ouch!” and “Ouch!” as they lay on the ground.

Finally having dealt with these henchmen, Aylin was somewhat out of breath.

A clean handkerchief was handed to her.

Aylin took it naturally. “I’m sorry. I originally wanted to go back earlier to cook for you and welcome you, but I ran into some annoying things on the way. How did you know I was here?”

She remembered telling Harry that she had to take care of some things.

However, she didn’t tell Harry that she was there.

blooming flowers. “Things haven’t been. too peaceful for you lately. I could tell

take the shortcut home, and

heart warmed. She knew that no matter what, her brothers would always rush to the front line to protect her. Even when her brother had just gotten off the plane and

seemed to see through her thoughts and affectionately pinched her chin, saying, “I’m

on the ground. His gaze seemed to look like he was glaring at

the underlings have been taken care of. Now, it’s

turned around, her face also showing

have already finished cooking by now, and

backs to the sunlight,

was no need for Aylin to take action. He

and stepped on Blondie’s face with

utterly ruthless,

“Who sent you here?”

to catch the thieves, you must first catch their leader. Seeing Blondie, their leader, being treated so brutally, the others were terrified and dared not even breathe. They were all

pride was hurt, and he clenched his teeth in anger. He insisted

they took the money. However, they couldn’t expose the mastermind if they wanted to continue

Boy toy,

feet. “You think I don’t dare

yet it made Blondie shudder involuntarily

of the blonde hair and, with a swift motion, yanked

The man had a pair of charming

Harry was

an aggressive stance. It was as if Harry wanted to crush

I’ll tell you! I’ll

Blondie shouted loudly.

“You’re too late.”

forcefully bowed his head to Aylin that Harry

handkerchief and

that a woman had offended him, so he gave some money to us and asked us to teach her a lesson, and that would be

from a wealthy family to be delicate and easy to bully. Who would have thought

“Sebastian Coop?”

he said indifferently, “Not only did he slander you,


that extent, yet

thought for a moment and quickly understood. It must had been Robert who spread the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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