Chapter 244 Rushing to Her Side

Upon thinking of this, Gavyn felt his heart clenching tightly.

He truly was not a qualified husband. Looking back now, he had hurt Aylin too deeply and too often. The situation the duo found themselves in now was, undeniably, mostly his responsibility.

Lloyd witnessed all of this and felt happy inside.

Gavyn finally saw Laila’s true colors. Thus, it won’t be long till Aylin come back, right?

As Lloyd was pondering how to fend off troubles caused by Laila when suddenly, the phone rang.

Why is there so many calls? Lloyd couldn’t help but answer. However, as soon as he heard the words from the other end, his expression changed dramatically!

“Mr. Delacruz, something is wrong.”

Upon hearing this, Gavyn in the back seat suddenly opened his eyes.

Lloyd held the phone, his face pale and his tone anxious. “I just got a call from the person investigating Ms. Koch. They said Ms. Koch is in danger!”

Gavyn’s expression darkened, and a sharp aura burst forth from his entire body. His eyes, like those of a hawk, emitted a hostile glance.


“It’s been sent to my phone.”

Gavyn made a quick decision. “Turn around!”

Along the tree-lined road, two cars came to a stop.

Although the few men were all dressed in suits, the fabric was of poor quality, and their hair was dyed in a messy mix of colors. At a glance, it was clear that they were aimless troublemakers.

Aylin reached for her phone, her face serious as she sent a message. [Harry, something’s come up here, I might be home a bit late.]

“Hey, hey! Look up!”

Blondie, who was leading the group, saw that the person in the car was still sitting steadily. He opened the car door and yelled at Aylin, “Listen up, you in the car across from me! I’m going to beat you up. If you get out now and beg me, I might go easy on you. But if you don’t come out, don’t blame me for being heavy-handed!”

Upon hearing this, Aylin slightly squinted her eyes.


Hanson shouldn’t be foolish enough to use the same trick of finding a group of thugs to block her and try to hurt her twice.

don’t know who the idiot

window, revealing her fair and beautiful side

tell me, how much

done. She had to hurry back to prepare

who was leading the group, only knew that they had to deal with the woman driving this car that day. He didn’t expect her

snow, lips as red as cherries, and her neck was as graceful as a swan’s. She possessed an air of nobility and a voice pleasing to the ear. However, her tone was icy

realizing belatedly that he

and muttered as

are? What makes you think I

“Get down here!”

scanning the newcomer from head to toe. She looked down on them as if examining

offer double.”


Blondie was agitated.

you think you’re looking

when she saw him. Only such a scene would

used to such situations. Moreover, she


picked up a rock from

suddenly had

suddenly vanished and her gaze turned indifferent. Blondie glanced at her and felt a chill

How can a delicate woman have

have seen it

it! You still dare to act all high and mighty

out of the car with an indifferent expression on her


huge mistake by smashing the car

high-heeled shoes, and suddenly burst into laughter. “Pretty girl, put away your fancy moves. If you kneel down

underlings also started to chuckle, thinking that Aylin was just bluffing and completely oblivious to the

the laughter came

delivered a swift sidekick, her foot

blink of an

heels, her feet were as steady as if they were made of cast iron, standing

experiencing a sharp pain in his

was no doubt that it

dust off his face awkwardly and yelled,

no respect

but there wasn’t

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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