Chapter 178

Damien’s POV

When Rain arrived and Matt started to rush over to her, I had initially followed behind him to welcome her and her Clan on Alora’s behalf. Then the stench of black magic seemed to have exploded into the air, spreading arks of the new Alpha’s blood everywhere. Matt understandably let out a pain filled roar of protest at this sight and managed to catch her before she fell to the ground.

I stayed back, because nothing was more important than a mate. Instead I started to give orders for the rest of Rain’s Clan to be treated and to be taken care of. However, when they were offered places to rest inside, they refused to leave their Alpha. Their Alpha was currently covered in blood being held in her mates lap.

Matt and Rain had been surrounded partially by my warriors when he rushed over to hold her, so when two of her people tried to rush over they were stopped. Then Matt told them to let them through. I nodded at the warriors letting them know it was fine. I had a feeling these two were very important to Rain by the way Matt was acting.

I continued to stay back, while I was the Alpha here, acting in Alora’s place. Rain was Matt’s mate, and he deserved to have time to be with his mate, especially one that was hurt so badly. To think this would be how they first met, Matt’s mate was covered in blood and mud, just like Alora when I first met her. Unlike Alora though, Rain’s abuse was written all over her skin, visible to everyone.

This was going to break Alora’s heart. Thinking about Alora had me reaching out to her. I came up against a warm wall, she was there, and I could feel her life force and her love of me in this wall. Alora had something she was hiding and didn’t want me to see, but she was still trying to provide me comfort at the same time. This meant something was wrong, I felt like a heavy stone just dropped into the pit of my stomach.

Matt voicing a protest made me refocus on the situation in front of me. Alora would want me to make sure these beings were cared for in her absence. When Rain said Alora’s name my gaze snapped to hers. Did this wounded Alpha still think she had the strength to keep fighting? But the determination in her gaze told me she did.

Alora was going to love this female. Matt placed his mate on the ground and gripped her upper arms, holding her to the ground. Distress and determination in his expression. Rain’s Beta was holding her legs down, and the Witch Lillian, with her glowing floating crystals, said a spell. Then Rain started to scream and I watched

as her wounds disappeared.


When the spell was over, and the screaming was done, Matt pulled Rain off the ground and into his lap, clutching her to his chest. I didn’t blame him, I would have reacted the same way after hearing those screams. After a moment, Rain seemed to have recovered from this ordeal, because of the words she said while looking at Matt.

“Do you have a plan already in mind Alpha Soulfire?” I asked her, using her title deliberately, revealing and acknowledging her rank to the Pack.

more power crystals. My masters and mine are burnt out for the

do you recharge them?”

one is by placing them in a pool of water blessed by the Moon Goddesses power. Or if there is a sacred place with a large power source that would be willing to fill my items with its energy. That’s if I want it done fast, otherwise I can only gradually infusion them with my magic over a lengthy

and then at the koi pond. “You need to ask the Willow to see if she is willing to infuse your items with her power, the koi pond is also full of an energy and life force of its own. I’m sure if it’s for Alora, the spirits of both would be more than happy to help

stood up. Matt stood up with her and pulled her right back into his arms, holding her back to his front as she looked

been on his cheek, making his mate blush. He let her go, and Rain stared at him a moment longer with her cheeks red.

and the staff were infused with magic and energy from

her staff, her crystals were floating around her in a ring, her ball just floating off to the side, the staff standing on its own next to her. Lillian’s crystals had been


to Alora and I gathered around us. “What do you need us

She turned to her people, and handed out some orders, and forced her Beta to stay back.

Rain here, surrounded

Alora’s POV

standing in front of Sarah contemplating on what to do to her first, when the first spell came my way. I didn’t even move, not even to glance in the direction the spell came from. The spell came up against a barrier, the rotating mandala glowed violet as it blocked the spell. Then the spell shattered against

care of the pests first, but I couldn’t have Sarah running away before I could punish her. I lifted my freshly healed leg and I brought my foot down, first on one knee cap, then the other. I broke both her knees to keep her from being able


in pain. I looked around me, there were about a hundred of the Black

the Black Magic Coven had become this….ignorant…of just who I was. ‘Well, I thought as I activated and expanded Blood Harvest, ‘it’s their funeral. The Coven members started to throw spell after spell


with the first thirty of the Coven I

out in my echoing voice. A golden rotating mandala appeared above me, in the middle of

I went to work. I flew through the air, at a group of a dozen. Coven members. Slicing through

were about to make a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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