Chapter 179

Damien’s POV

I did not expect to see what we did, when the wall of fire dropped. Rain was surprised as well. Judging by Rain’s conversation with Matt and Lillian, we should have been transported outside a barrier. Not inside the Black Magic Coven’s compound. That wasn’t what was surprising me though.

My mate was not only no longer a captive of the Coven, she was now releasing carnage on her former capturers. The feeling coming from my mate was rage. To say

my mate was angry was an understatement. Even covered in the blood of her enemies she was still the most beautiful female I had ever seen.


I wanted nothing more than to call out her name and rush to her, to grab her up in my arms and crush my mouth to hers. I decided I would wait till she was done with the Coven first. I would never deny her this, we were coming here to kill all these beings anyway.

Starlight, Alora in her Kitsune form, was standing a few feet from a cluster of Coven members. Under her and them were seven rotating blood red mandalas, they looked almost rose like with Starlight at the center. What was interesting was that the Coven members inside the glowing red mandalas were no longer moving.

Not even to toss spells at Starlight as the others were doing. Then they started screaming as ropes of dark red came out of them, and were absorbed into the

mandalas. The Coven members screamed until they could scream no more. Their bodies fell to the ground, looking like dried up husks.

“Oh shit” Darien said in a startled voice next to me, briefly drawing Alora’s attention to us.

“What did she just do?” Kian asked, there was shock and a touch of fear in his voice.

“Blood Harvest.” Kass, Asher, and Nathan answered him in unison. My thought after they said this was, ‘So this is what it looks like.’

“What the fuck is Blood Harvest?” Galen asked.


“It’s a spell that allows only those with Royal Vampire blood to drain their enemies dry without having to stick their fangs in their enemies throat. Only those of direct lineage to the ruling Vampire Royal family are allowed to have knowledge of this spell. Although it would be stupid to assume the other families wouldn’t have the knowledge, they probably do, they just don’t broadcast that they know.” Victor said.

This surprised me, although it shouldn’t. “Wait…how do you know about it?” Kass asked him.

“Did you forget my mother is your father’s second cousin on his mothers side?” Victor asked her.


have Royal


alive, did her attention return to us. Her gaze locked with mine,

you wouldn’t yell at her for it, you would just think she was adorable and


by the bitch sobbing for mercy on the ground not too far from us.. Her smile

had felt and was feeling in that


against me, and kissed me back and opened our link. Our emotions flooded each other, and only magnified the depth of our feelings for each other. It took a lot for me to gain enough control to part our mouths, but that was all I could do. I still could not let her go, I rested my forehead against her crown, our

I said,

smiled and shook her tail, which was still half soaked in blood. Then we were surrounded by everyone. I looked at everyone, saw the longing in their expressions as they looked at my mate. Reluctantly,

at once, I couldn’t separate it all out, but somehow my Starlight did. She talked to every one of them, there were tears and a few sobs. Everyone had missed her and had been worried about her. None of them seemed to


on what happened here?” Darien asked.

to be a little less stark against her dark skin, but her shirt and shorts

her fur it was her clothes. Her clothes also seemed torn

inner thighs over where an

me Sarah had hit an artery. I couldn’t stop the snarl that was ripped from my chest. Alora looked at me, and frowned. I looked in Sarah’s direction and my rage at her built, the

said my name

potshots at you.” I growled out.

I growled at her, not able to actually voice how I felt about that, but she could feel it. Zane was not happy either, he was very upset. However we both knew why she had done it. Alora never really thought of herself, she was

her hands on my chest and rubbed them up

and buried my nose in her hair, and just breathed her in. “Tell me…why

come, and that I hadn’t been there at that


Lilith, she had other plans. She’s gifting Sarah’s

only a matter of time before everything became clear. I let Alora go after holding her for a moment longer. She looked at our new people and walked over to them. Rain had a nervous look on her face, and Matt was rubbing his hands up and down her upper

“You must be the Alpha of my new sister Clan, Clan Alpha Rain Soulfire.”

bit of worship in her expression as she nodded. “Well then, let’s give you and

demanded, then she

looked at the silver scars that were all over Selena’s skin, was of surprise. Rain gave Selena her hand. “Do you Clan Alpha Soulfire, swear by your blood, you and your Clan’s loyalty to my Clan and I as a sister Clan?” Selena asked in her

and my loyalty


bloody lines together, and I felt the power of that connection, felt the new lives that now belonged to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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