Three weeks later.
Akwa was now at the point in her pregnancy that she could only do light training. That meant no more contact training or parti cipating in the now weekly fighting Tournaments. Because the tournaments were happening so often, the Clan leaders and the Pack Alphs and future in line leaders all gathered together for a meeting
This meeting was to assign designated dates the fight tournaments for Rank placements would take place. This way, any wolf wanting to move up in Bank of needing to defend their Bank placement, would only have to fight on specified dates. This only became necessary because of the fight tournaments increased size and frequency, becoming a weekend recreation.
So many Pack members increased their training time, becoming stronger. They were learning to work together with Pack members of other species. The Soulfire Clan was welcomed with open arms by all, not just their sister Clan, the Heartsong’s. Currently the Clan resided in the Heartsong Mansion.
Several miles of empty Heartsong land up against a steep area of the mountain range, had been sectioned off for building of the Soulfire Clan’s, Clan Mansion. The Clan Alpha, Beta, Gamma and their families would live in the Mansion. The rest of the Soulfire Clan members would be put into their own individual houses, they
were being built at the same time as the Mansion.
There was no lack of volunteers and supplies offered up from all the Pack members. Especially when those members found out how they had been treated and just where they escaped from 2
Some of the remaining members of the Frost and Northmountain Clans, were able to identify some of the Soulfire Clan members, as family that had suddenly gone
missing and were reported as dead to everyone else.
This led to a lot of tears as it was revealed just exactly how those members wound up in the hands of the Black Magic Coven. The survivors of such abhorrent betrayals by their own Clan members, stayed in the new Soulfire Clan. (2)
Not because they wouldn’t be welcomed among the new Frost and Northmountain Clans, they would, there was an open invitation. No, they stayed because they had been remade as a Soulfire, after having been utterly destroyed as either a Frost or Northmountain.
Although those who originally betrayed them were no longer alive, or imprisoned by the Council, the pain years of slavery to the Black Magic Coven was ingrained to

deeply in their bones to be forgotten.
While the current members of the Frost and Northmountain had no part in what happened to them, forgiveness was not something they would ever be able to give the Frost or Northmountain Clans. Even so, all three Clans have chosen to live in harmony for the sake of the Pack and their future generations.
It was a very emotionally packed situation, but none of the Clans wanted grudges that would just lead to internal war if they were allowed to fester. Therapy was advised and many went, others found different ways of coping and healing
Many members of the Soulfire Clan, those who had never had the taste of the outside world, were taken under the wings of the Heartsongs. The members we found.
to be extremely intelligent.
Despite their lack of education among the Black Magic Coven, something done to suppress their natural intelligence, they flourished under the guided care of the Heartsongs. One thing the Heartsong Clan had in abundance were teachers. This bound the sister Clans closer together.
Alora didn’t gain any new nightmares, in fact, she had only had one nightmare since the last of her past tormentors were now dead. One night, as the couple lay snuggled up in bed, Damien wrapped around his mate his hand on her abdomen, he felt the first movements of their pups growing inside.
Alora was asleep, exhausted from a long day of running a Clan, so Damien didn’t wake her. Even though the movement brought him so much excitement he wanted to share it with her. As for Alora, as she slept all she felt was some sort of stretching sensation in her womb, but ignored it and continued to sleep,
When the pair woke in the morning, it was to find that Alora’s abdomen had grown in size, rounding into the unmistakable shape of pregnancy. They shared a loving moment when the pups started to move inside Alora again. This moment led to Damien making slow sweet love to his mate in the morning light.
In a room at another Mansion, this one occupied by Darien and Serenity, they were also having their own special moment. Darien, standing behind Serenity as she talked to her mother on the phone, had his arms wrapped around her, his hands holding her abdomen as their pup danced inside.
Darien felt a sense of awe as he felt the movements, thinking about how special it was to be a part of creating something so magical as another living being. Darien buried his nose against the mating mark he put on her neck, inhaling her scent deep. This had Darien’s wolf Axel rolling around inside, reveling in the scent of their
Master Samantha came through her Hest pregsent
While this made them both rotatic, a
Master Frisk become extremely overprotective of his mate Merter Samantha’s visiting family mashers are unable to understand why he was like this at Text, ontil they were told about what happened to his first mara
This made them realize why then lenty independent Samantha was allowing much behavior from her mate Master Broch did his best to make men he didact as ton f at overboard, but it was a stringale fai him. His mate knew it, and loved him all the mere for the respect and care that he showed her with his actione
It was a in Elled time by them, because a couple of Master Samantha’s unmated family, met their mates among the Heartsong’s and the new Soulfire Clan. After all the recent beats mated couples bad gone through in the last few weeks, many of the young newly mated couples chose to not have progrmy at this moment. Instead chowning to grow closer to ther mates and settling in more before bringing pops into the equation (?)
Though there were a few who did become pregnant. Bell and Kass had both chosen to have pups with their mates during this time. Kass and Bella both wanted their first children to grow up together. And because Alora was having her first pups soon, decided it would be wonderful if they were very close together. The next generation was greatly anticipated by all.
There was also an exciting change that had happened. It happened during a casual meet when Lillian was observing the Pack’s Luna, Luna Ember. Lillian discovered a shadow of Black Magic affecting the Luna’s womb. This shadow was preventing the Lana’s womb from being able to reproduce, When Lillian first met the couple, she had thought it unusual that the Alpha couple didn’t have more pups, now she had an inkling as too why.
Lillian had retreated inside her library for a couple of days, her library was in a large clearing of forestry between the Heartsong Mansion and the one being built for the Soulfire Cis. Lillian found the medicinal tome she needed, one that detailed the type of ailment the Luna had and the spells and scenarios that the Luna would have gone through for the spell to be placed.
This meant another wolf would have had to make a sacrifice of a child in her womb to bind the Luna’s ability to reproduce. With this information, Lillan went to the Luna, and started asking questions about the Past. The Alpha came in while the Luna was crying, she had to sooth him and get him to calm down while she told her
story to Lilliun.
After she was done, Lillian showed her the book, this brought forth more details about the accident, that wasn’t an accident. Bettina, Alora’s mother, had been involved, and the son she had carried in her womb at the time, another Vampire Werewolf Hybrid, was used as the Sacrifice.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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