Important announcment: “What Happens Now
What Happens mon that Werewolf’s Heart kong Has Ended
the lack. Werrandi Hearting it the first thing I have actually written and publiały pollished. When i fest
I’ve only been a reader since 1 en einven
( was writing this luck, I remembered a time when I was thirteen years old, and my best friend and I were artaddiy talking about becoming
waters, and we even started an outline of what it was we were going to write alent.
Those always kned the supernatural and science fiction One of the first cartoons I remember watching when I was a little girl was Sonic the Hedgehog. My fa t anime war kadar Moon. The host books I fell in love with ‘reading were the Harry Pudleys. My fast memorable ielence fiction movies were the Star Wars, Buffy the
Vampire Mayes, and the bristustal High
Those were put a small glimpse at the vast amount of influence I’ve gotten over my flirty years of life thirty one… I started this book when I was thirty okay! flow I’m starting for ramble.
The point is, as I was writing I was developing, and I found things I liked and didn’t like. As I was finishing up this book, I had already made plans to rewrite it. If not for the grammar and spelling mistakes alone. I had also decided that I would rewrite Witches Heartsong and Dragon’s Heartsong as well, before the chapters
Quick note: Ezt me explain something about Dragon’s Heartion. I actually didn’t mean to start publishing it when I did, that was an accident. I meant to press “save draft on the first chapter and accidentally pressed ‘publish’:
Both Dragon’s Heartsong and Witches Heartsong have drastically changed from the first posted chapters. The new rewritten chapters were posted over the old, and I
stinur those two books to coincide with the new Werewolf’s Hearsonic, titled The Song in the Alpha’s Heart.
The Song in the Alpha’s Heart is written in a different style. More details and explanations have been added, the sequence of some events have been changed. Other detads have been changed, new content and characters have been added.
The Song in the Alpha’s Heart is available on both AnyStories, and Readink. You can find all the books currently published under me at both sites by searching my name Dizzylzzy. If you have a Facebook please join my fan page at, Dizzytzzy’s Healtsong Saga for other updates.
Now I will leave you with the first chapter of the new book The Song In the Alpha’s Heart.
Prologue: “…most important…..”
Damien followed his father Alpha Andrew Fire Moonstar of the Moon Mountain Pack, and Alpha of Alpha’s, to the river. He wanted to check the levels close to the Moon Star Mansion. There was a Pack Picnic happening today in the Pack’s biggest gathering grounds, located up the River from the Moon Star

Damen was the oldest of two males at fourteen years of age, his little brother Darien was nine years old, and currently with their mother. Luna Ember Shadow Moonstar, was finishing some things at one of the Pack’s medical clinics before she would meet him and his father at the picnic.
Dam ien, like his father, would one day become the Alpha of Alpha’s. They dro ve his father’s four by four Suburbans as far as they could, then they hiked the rest of the way to the river. It wasn’t that far from where they parked. They Reached it in ten minutes.
Alpha Andrew looked at the swollen River that was rushing downstream. It had indeed crested, now a good six feet above its usual banks. Luckily, they were forecasted to have no more rain for the next fourteen days. It would give the river time to go back down to normal.
While Alpha Andrew was making his assessment, Damien had caught the faint scent of blood, Inside Damien, Zane perked up, his ears and nose twitching Unlike most Werewolves, who’s wolves slowly grew with them, Damien’s was always fully grown. The Elders said this meant that Damien’s wolf was an incredibly old and powerful soul.
Damien wandered away from his father, following the scent of blood, “What could it be?” Damien asked his wolf.
Zane let out a rumble, his version of a grunt. “Don’t know, the smell is really faint, like whatever is bleeding was washed up,” Zane said.
Damien agreed with Zane, that was how it smelled to him too. It was not until they were closer to the scent, that they picked up what it was. It was the smell of a wounded Pack metaber. Damien started to run in the direction of the smell.
“Dad, I think someone is wounded. “Damien said to his father through a mind link

had leth trailing behind his way when Damien had started to wander oft. He had brown something had caught (antier’s interest. He tous hul amelled the faint love of Hood in the air. A wounded Pack member wat one thing, what they found was Danian Allowed the sowed close to the rives, a bit of a ways away from where he and his father had originally started out. He looked, and at first, be qvulis’) me anything so he sulked the air again Catching the sont, stronger now that he was closer, he followed it to a pile of mud owered tags Damien went still, koking at the regs, then be realized that he wasn’t looking at a pile of rags when it moved. The tiny pain filled moan would have been moved it be bachi’t been standing right next to the small muskhy form. Damien rushed over and kiselt next to the form. 11 was a female pug, and she was wearing a dress like most other female pups would be today. It looked like it had been white at one point, with bright Nue Bowens proted on it in random patterns. Long black hair caked in mud was plastered against the female s small form Damien was so shocked to find a pup in this condition, he forgot to mind link his father and instead shouted for him. “Dad, come quick! I found a burt Andrew, bearing his son’s words, ran the rest of the way to Damien, When he got there, he found his son kneeling in the mud next to a tiny little female pup. The female couldn’t be any older than his youngest pup Darien. He helped Damien turn the pup over, laying her on her back. He gasped, his heart hurting for the little darling, she had cuts all over her arms and legs, there was a rip in the fabric of her dress and blood was staining the tear. After studying the pup for a moment, he was able to see the bruised outlines of hands on her upper arms and around her neck. neck. One of her checks was bruised, and her lip was split, a cut on her temple was bleeding. Leaving

Damien and Zane were upset, they had never seen a pup so obviously abused. No Werewolf would ever abuse a pup, at least, not normally. It looked like someone tried to drown her by throwing her in the river. Damien felt a protective instinct well up from within. He wanted to protect this pup from any future harm.
Gently, Damien reached out and moved the females wet and muddy hair out of her face. “Who do you think she is?” He asked his father.
Damien seemed to become enchanted as he looked down at the delicate little face of the female pup. She had darker skin than him from what he could tell, most of her skin being covered in mud. He wished she would open her eyes, something told him they would be magnificent.
“I don’t know son, she could belong to any of the Clans.” Alpha Andrew looked at the female closely. “She’s not from our Clan, so there are still the other main Clans, Blackfire, Stonemaker, Mountainmover, Shadowtail.”
“What about the Frost and Northmountain Clans?” Damien asked his father, wondering why he left them out.
“She wouldn’t be from the Frost or Northmountains.” Alpha Andrew said.
Confused, Damien asked, “Why not?”
“Because they deliberately breed pale, blond, and blue eyed.” Alpha Andrew said, his disapproval of such a practice on his face and in his tone. “I witnessed Alister Northmountain reject his Goddess Blessed Mate for his current wife, Betina Frost, because she had fiery red hair.”
Daiment’s expression showed just how shocked he was by that. To reject your Goddess blessed mate because she had the wrong hair color was ins ane. Damien looked down at the female pup, he would never reject her if she were his because of her hair or skin color.
Andrew was frowning, when he mentioned Alister and his wife Betina, he remembered that they had a female pup who didn’t look like either of them. She was born with dark hair and skin, her dual colored eyes silver and violet.
“I wish she would open her eyes.” Damien said, making Andrew think his son was reading his mind.
Then the little female did open her eyes, Damien and Andrew were greeted with large luminous eyes that took up half of the little female’s face. Moreover, Damien and Andrew were greeted by violet eyes surrounded by a ring of silver.
“Well, well, this is a surprise.” Alpha Andrew said internally.

Now “This put indentistakh, mempel

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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