Chapter 1: “Because we are everything she fears.”
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The dog, drip, drip of the water as it hit the cement for was koud in the otherwise tomb (he ulence of the hauement. One of the pipes retning aling the reiding had a lesk, and a pool of water was gathered underneath it. There was barely any light down in the basement, there was only one tiny window in the upper corner of the large dark towe
Because it was so small, it wasn’t especially useful in terms of letting light into the basement, even if it hadn’t been dark outside. There was only a small stream at manlight coming in from it now, the stream of light bounced off the water gathered under the leaking pipe
It made a bright enough glow, that you could see the small form of an incredibly young female chamed to the nearly support port. Her body lay crumpled on the cold stone floor, blood covered her, and was splattered all around her. A small pool of it surrounded her.
The little female’s eyes were open, but they were lifeless. If you looked closely, you could see she was still breathing. She was covered in open gashes made from the whip her mother had used on her, bruises from the beating her father had given her, and slashes from the knife her sister had sliced her up with.
The little female didn’t know why her punishment was so harsh this time around, she didn’t remember misbehaving or breaking any rules. Her family hated her, they beat her endlessly, for every little infraction. She never understood what she had done to bring on so much h ate. None of the other pups were treated like her.
She did look different from everyone in both her mother and father’s Clan, with her dark skin, black hair and her dual colored eyes, the inner ring was a violet color, the outer ring silver. Her Clan members were all pale skinned with blond hair and blue dual colored eyes. She may look different from her Clan members, but there were other Clans with pups who had dark hair and skin, but they were all loved by their family and Clan members.
However, no one had her eye color. That fact and not having a wolf like the other Werewolves, made the little female, Alora, feel like a f reak of nature, an abommation to be erased from existence. Alora wanted to d ie, she longed for it. She thought it was the only way to escape from all her pain and torment.
Alora was desolate, full of despair and hopelessness. Tears leaked out the corners of her eyes. “Moon Goddess, please let me di e and let my soul return to your keeping.” The girl begged silently with all her heart.

She was startled when she got a reply in her head, but it wasn’t the Moon Goddess who answered her. It was something else entirely. “Td rather not di e just yet, especially when I have now finally been able to join you.” There was a faint growl in the soft feminine voice.
Panicked, Alora exclaimed, “”Who are you!” she was worried she had lost her mind.
“I’m your wolf, my name in Xena The female voice said, introducing herself to the little female.
“But…but… was born without a wolf”Alora said, her small child-like voice trembled with disbelief.
For Alora, it was easier to believe she had gone insa ne and was hearing voices, than it was for her to accept that she was lied to all her young life, and really did have a wolf.
“You were born with a wolf, I just haven’t been able to come to you until now. I have been sealed away until tonight.” Xena told Alora. Xena’s voice, like Alora’s, was young, the growl in it sounding cute instead of intimidating.
“You know my name?” Alora asked Xena, feeling surprised.
Xena thought this was a s illy question at first, but then she had been sealed away from Alora since their birth. “I may have been sealed away, but I was aware of our life the entire time, I’m a part of you and know your name.” Xena explained to her.
Xena’s soft growling voice and her warm presence was beginning to sooth Alora, her intense longing for death fading to the background for now, “You said you were sealed away? How did you get free?” Alora asked
Her curiosity now peaked as she started to accept that she did indeed have a wolf, she was no longer a wolf less pup. Excitement over that fact began to build in
Xena felt her humanoid form’s curiosity, her and Alora were two sides of one being. Two souls, one shared body that transformed from a humanoid form to that of
a wolf or their shared Lycan form. Their Lycan form would be their most powerful and deadliest of their three shapes.
“The Moon Goddess broke the chains binding me from you.” Xena paused in her explanation, not really wanting to tell Alora the rest.

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The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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