In the picture of Damien, the sun was þat coming up, casting a natural glow of light around him. Damien had a soft half smile on his face, his eyes twinkling with gentle amuwment.
Taking a deep breath in and then slowly letting it out, Alora answered the phone and put it to her ear. “Hello.” Alora tried to say, but all that came out was a
When Darien chuckled next to her, she elbowed his side, smiling as he let out a pained grunt then bent over holding his side with both arms
Cleaning her throat, Alora tried again, “Hello.” This time she was successful, however her voice was a little shaky.
“Hello Starlight.” Damien said, his deep voice rumbled out of the phone, and as always, the effect Damien’s voice had on Alora was instant. “How are you feeling?”
he asked.
Alors could hear the genuine concern in Damien’s tode, all the while his voice traveled through her. It wrapped Alora up in a warmth she only felt when listening
to Damien’s voice.
“I’m okay…Darien said he told you about what happened this morning” Alora’s voice was soft and melodious..
Damien growled low into the phone, the sound sending shocks of desire through Alora. “That pup didn’t deserve you anyway. Your meant for someone better Starlight”
Damien’s words had a small smile curve up Alora’s lips. “I’m glad you think so.” Alota said, a hint of amusement in her softly voiced words.
Damien lets out an almost mournful sounding sigh, before saying, “Goddess I miss you Starlight.” A note of lunging was in his voice.
Alora glanced to the side, her fellow classmates were pretending not to be listening to everything she was saying. Alora derided to ignore them and said truthfully. “I miss you too.”
In the arena the first two of the challenge matches were already fighting on the large circle platform.
“Are you ready for your matches today?” Damien asked her.
“Sarah has challenged me.” Alora said to him, trying to restrain the bit of thrill that went through at that. What better way to teach Sarah and her parents that she was not going to take it anymore.
“What are you planning to do?” Damien wanted to know.
“I’m going to rip her to shreds.” Alora stated calmly.
“What will happen to you at home after you do that?” Damien asked, a growl in his voice, apprehension was crawling up Damien’s spine.
“I don’t care, I won’t let them touch me, and I won’t roll over.” Alora said, a bit of a growl breaking through the calm tone she had been trying to maintain.

“Starlight…I don’t want anything to happen to you, won’t you stay with my parents until the end of school?” Damien asked, really, he wanted to demand it.
Alora was quite a moment, she didn’t really want to impose on the Alpha and Luna’s goodwill. However, Damien wouldn’t have asked her if he hadn’t felt very strongly about her staying in the Moonstar Mansion. Alora was already planning to move there, into a specific apartment of the guest wing, but that move wasn’t scheduled until after graduation.
“I’ll think about it.” Alota said, not wanting to give a definitive answer yet. Because any promise made to Damien, was a promise she kept.
“I’ve missed hearing your voice.” Damien told her, the words sending tingles of pleasure through Alora and a melting sensation in her heart. “Will you sing for me when I get home?”
A blush flushed across Alora’s cheeks, her “Yes,” came out breathy sounding, making her blush deepen
“Promise?” Damien asked in a teasing tone but was quite serious.
Chapter 27: *…sing for me…*
“I promise” Akra said, giving Danhen that commitment without hesitation.
“I have to go and prepare for my first exam this morning. Starlight. I will call you again later tonight,” Damien said, sounding reluctant to end the call.
Akwa was sad the had to end her conversation with Damien so soon, but she smiled knowing that he would be calling her later. “Okay, talk to you tonight.” Her voice was soft, almost loving.
“Not going to wish me luck today? Damien asked, a little amused.
“You’re the greatest, you don’t need luck.” Alora said seriously
With a deep chuckle Damien said, “I’ll talk to you again tonight Starlight, shine bright for me today.” Then he hung up the phone.
Alora locked her phone and put it back into her pocket, a smile dreamy smile on her face. At least there was until Alora noticed the stars she was getting from the
rest of her class. Alora was startled and froze, her eyes wide.
“What?” Alora asked, confused
Lesus was the first to speak. “That soft smitten look that was on your face has me curious,”
In the background, as if their row of seats were in another world, the roars of the crowd cheered the victor in the first challenge. The two fighters left the arena,
and another two entered.
Alora med to deflect at first. “What smile?”
Darien let out a snort. “The same one you have every time you talk to my brother.”
Alora gasped and gapped at Darien for selling her out to the rest of her class. Alora smacked him on the shoulder, and Darien quickly leaned away from her,
raising his arms to block any more blows while laughing. O
“So, it is our future Alpha of Alpha’s who puts such a loving look on your beautiful face.” Jamison said, smiling.
Jamison’s comment had Alora looking at him with a wide eyed expression. This was not a comfortable topic of discussion for Alora, and she felt a little panicked at the prospect of having it.
“What did you promise my brother?” Darien asked Alora.
Alora gaze snapped to Darien’s, a blush staining her cheeks again. “I promised to sing.” Alora said in a shy tone.
“You sing?” Jaxon asked.
Jaxon was more curious about Alora now, than he ever had been before. He had watched her fight all year and knew Alora was in fact a powerful female. More powerful than any other student in the school, as Alora was ranked first in the Alpha Class
This was why Sarah challenging Alora was suicidal. Jaxon felt Sarah, was just begging Alora to humiliate her in front of the whole school by challenging her. After seeing what happened this morning, he felt Sarah deserved whatever Alora decided to do to her.
Alora was quiet for a moment before answering laxon’s question, “Just a little.”
“Your voice must be beautiful for our future Alpha to secure your promise to sing.” Lexus said, his voice was smooth, warm, and deep but not as deep as Damien’s or Master Brock’s.
Alora shrugged. “Damien seems to like it.”
Darien growled. “What my best friend is refusing to acknowledge is that she is in fact an incredible singer. Her voice is not only beautiful, but also powerful.”
Alora glared at Darien and growled, Darien looked down at her and glared. “You know very well the reason you don’t admit to how good you are is once again
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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