Sarah was feeling vinsie right now, she was looking forward to her challenge, thinking she would be teaching Alors a lesson soon. Sarah didn’t know what Class or her rank in that class was Sarah didn’t care, that wasn’t important to her, giving Alora a public beating she would never forget, was
Sarah had sent off a text to her mother to let her know that she challenged Alora. That’s when her mother asked her about what class and rank Alora was. Telling her mother, she didn’t know that she was only able to challenge Alora by searching for her first name,
There was only one Alora in their senior year, but there were four Sarah’s. That annoyed Sarah, she wanted to know why Alora got the unique name and she got me of the most common names there was.
Sarah didn’t want to go to an upper rank alone. Sarah figuring Alors couldn’t possibly be in anything higher than the Beta Class. With that thought, she ordered Agatha, Beatrice, and Lauren to challenge one of the top ten in the Beta Class
Although Sarah wasn’t too happy when she found out all three of them would be fighting before her
Serenity was still furious over what Matt had done to Alora. Rejecting your mate because of some harlot did not sit well with Serenity, so when they said they could issue challenges, she did.
Serenity has always known she was more powerful than her brothers Kain and Galen. Knew she could place in the Alpha Class if she had wanted to, but she hadn’t. So, still angry, she issued a challenge to Matt.
Her brother seeing this, decided to issue their own challenges to the next two in line after Matt. They could place in the Beta Class, but they Could, if they wanted to, make it into the Alpha Class. Their Class, being the Delta Class, and their challenge battles would happen after the Enforcer Class challenges took place.
Serenity was glad for once, because looking at the issued challenges, after they were all issued, she could see that Sarah had challenged Alora, what had everyone whispering was the Rank listed next to Alora’s name.
Their line read Sarah Northmountain, Enforcer Class Third Rank challenged Alora Heartsong, Alpha Class First Rank. An anticipatory smile stretched across Serenity’s lips when she read this one. Serenity turned to her brothers and shared the same smile.
“Who does she think she is, does she think she can beat our girl?” Luna Ember snarled.
Alpha Andrew looked down at his mate in confusion. “What is it?” he asked her.

Ember turned to him, and he could feel her anger and outrage through their bond. It didn’t help that her eyes were glowing with it. Leaning away from his mate a bit, he asked. “What’s upsetting you, my darling?”
Ember pointed towards the screens above the arena. “Look at the last challenged fight of the Enforcer Class.” Her tone was sharp.
Andrew did, and his eyes widened. “Oh my, that is a very idiotic move on Sarah’s part.”
“I’ve seen Alora spar with Brock, she could wipe the floor with Matthew, she was more advanced than any other student besides Damien was at her age.” Beta
Boris commented.
“I don’t like this, what is that horrible little bitch planning?” Lissanna growled.
“I don’t know, but I’m going to enjoy watching Alora teach her a lesson.” Ember said, her voice still sharp.
Andrew and Boris looked at each other, and then uver at Jonathan. As the Alpha and Luna of the Pack, Andrew and Ember were at this event every year, and Jonathan as the Principal was their host.
This year it wasn’t just their duty as Alpha and Luna of this Pack that had them here. This year, they were here to support Darien and Alora. Jonathan was sitting on the other side of Luna Ember.
Jonathan met the wide eyes of his Pack’s Alpha and Beta with his own, Jonathan was quite sure there was nothing more dangerous than a female predator protecting her children. Sitting next to Ember had Jonathan feeling as if his fur was standing on end.

throat, konathan tried to datract has Lima by mentioning her eldest. “How is Damien doing in his studiesTM It took a lot of effort to make sure his worch came out dearh, instead of strangled Embery narrowed øved

After glaring at Jonathan, long enough for the first fight to begin, Ember’s stopped glaring and smiled. “Damien is doing excellent in his studies, he’s the top stodent at his Unmersits” Ember was very obvioush proud of her won.
Then Ember was frowning, she turned to her mute. “Tm worried about how Damien is going to take all this He loves Alora.” Her soft voice filled with worry
Andrew drew his mate into his arms, comforting her through his touch. “He will be alright, and even if he isn’t, we will both be there for him and Alora.” His deep voice rumbled against Ember’s ears.
Ember and Andrew stayed like that through the next two matches. They only broke apart because Andrew’s phone rang with Damien’s ringtone.
“Hello Damien.” Andrew said when he accepted the call.
“I talked to Alora” was the first thing Damien said.
Andrews are met Ember’s worried one. “What did you and Alora talk about?” He asked.
“I asked Alora if she was okay, she told me she was. Then she told me she has been challenged by Sarah. I asked Alora how she felt about it, she told me she was looking forward to teaching Sarah a lesson. So, I asked her if she could move into the Moonstar Mansion tonight. She told me she would think about it.” Damien said, this all calmly, his voice a low rumble.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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