There was a low runble from the crossl as everyone started talking after Vice Principal Kalia’s announcement. Students talked to other students. Parents and family members talked to other parents and family members. The tow where the Alphat Class Fighters sat was the only quiet section at the moment.
Our corner of Mason’s mouth was twitching, while one of Garrett’s eyebrows was bitching. Darien let out a short wry sounding laugh. Jaxon and Lexus post sat there glaring up at the screen with the last of coming challenges, their expressions gloomy. Alora’s face, other than having one ryebrow raised, was expressionless.
“Are we even going to have the energy to fight in the main part of the examination after all the challengers are through with us?” Mason snarled the question,
“At least the school is considerate enough to limit the matches to five minutes each? laxon said, his tone rife with sarcasm.
Akora laughed, finding Jason’s words humorous. The others looked at her, with varied expressions of irritation. Amused, Alora looked back at them.
“WhatTM Alora asked, trying to sound and look innocent.
“Why are you not as imitated by this as we are?” Mason asked, annoyed with how serene Alora was acting about all the challenges she was about to fight.
Alora, her expression still innocent, feigned ignorance. “Irritated by what?”
Darien sat back a little so he could watch them, he had never seen Alora deliberately play with someone else the way she was now,
“How many challenges did you receive?” Mason demanded.
Alora shrugged. “I’m not sure, but it’s a lot.”
“Seriously?!” Mason asked in shocked disbelief. “How can you be so calm about all thist
Garrett put a hand on Mason’s shoulder and Mason looked at Gerrett, startled by the sudden contact. “Dude, she’s f uc kin with you.”He said.

Mason looked at him in surprise for a moment, then his expression shifted to one of realization. Then Mason whipped his head around to glare at Alora, growling
when she started to laugh.
Darien wrapped his arms around his belly and laughed. Mason growled again, making Alora and Darien lean into each other as they laughed some more. Their Laughter didn’t show any signs of stopping, until Alora’s phone sounded with a notification.
When Alora’s phone sounded, their laughter stopped abruptly, startling their classmates with this drastic change in their actions. With a careful expression, Alora took her phone out of her hoodie pocket. Alora had put her hoodie back on earlier when she had returned to her seat. Alora was still feeling a little too exposed
without it.
The message was another challenge and a song request for it. Seeing who the challenger was made Alora grin chillingly. Feeling aggressive, Alora chose one decades-old rock song and one of the newer alternative pop songs. Putting her phone back in her pocket Alora focused on the battle now happening in the arena.
At least she did until she felt the states, Alota turned her head and met the curious and wary gazes of her classmates. Alora knew they wanted to ask her what the message was about. However, fear of upsetting Alora kept their mouths shut.
“I have been challenged by Wesley Frost.” Alora said straightforwardly.
Mason jerked back, looking stunned. “Clan Alpha Frost’s grandson?”
Alora nodded, and then another test sounded on her phone. Looking down at it, Alora saw that it was another challenge. “This one is from Byron Northmountain.”
“Clan Alpha Northmountain’s grandson.” Darien said in a hard tone.
“Seriously?” Garrett asked loudly, shocked.
Mason looked angry about the situation, he and those two challengers did not get along. In fact, whenever Mason encountered them, they tried to beat him, but it was Mason who always trounced their as ses thoroughly instead.

chose this time was in the heavy electonic genre. While Alora was doing this, Darien was sitting like an angry

They couidered Alona one of their own, so naturally, they were upset about this. They felt this was a deliberate attack against Alora, and Mason’s next worda
“The Frost and Northmountain Clan Alphas hate Alta. Now she has not only publicly humiliated Sarah but has also publicly distanced herself from her own Clan by changing ber muname. The Alphas will attempt to use their grandsons to put Alora in her place.” Mason growled.
“What the hell? Why??” Garrett asked angrily.
“Don’t wooy, I’ve been looking forward to paying them back for things they did in the past. They will be the ones taught a lesson. The icing on the cake is that this will slag those two Alphas in the face with more humiliation.” Alora said in a horrid sounding tone.
Alora had placed one foot on the bench and loosely hugged her leg while resting her chin on her raised knee. Combined with the serene air around her, this made Alora kok bored and unbothered.
“Maybe I should have chosen Tech Nine’s Bitch Slap as my challenge song instead of the others.” Alora said it in a wondering tone, then she shrugged. “The ones I dal choose should still be gosd enough to get my message actoss.”
The others stated at her silently for a moment. “This docin’t bother you?” Mason asked.
Alora turned her bead and looked at him with a raised eyelitow. “Are they stronger than Darien?” she asked, her tone dry.
Mason snorted. “Hell no.”
“Then there is no reason to worry.” Alota said, then went back to watching the current challenge.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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