Damien and Xander were on a break from their exams. They had finished the first portion of the exams earlier than most other students. It was during this time he was sent a video from his mother. His mother, it seemed, was wasting no time by editing the recording before sending it to him. So, Damien received the cow footage as it played out in real time.
Damien sat against a large tree in the campus courtyard, Xander leaned in close and watched the video over his shoulder. Xander felt a chill down his spine as he watched. The power Alora unconsciously displayed in the video was that of a Pack Alpha not that of a high school age werewolf
Xander glanced at Damien to see his reaction and felt like his mouth instantly filled with blood in indignation. Was his Alpha concerned…? No! His Alpha was not concerned. Instead, he looked down at his phone’s screen with a loving smile and soft eyes! The world was so unfair to him at the moment, did his scary Alpha have to pick up another scary Alpha as his mate?!
Feeling Xander’s glare, Damien knew Xander had a dramatic internal monologue going. “Are you done being overly dramatic about my mate’s power yet?”
Xander felt like a bolt of lightning slammed into him. Did his Alpha have to read his mind now?!
“I’m not reading your mind, I just know how you are.” Damien said in response to Xander’s continued silence.
This did not calm Xander down. If anything, it affirmed his belief that his Alpha could read his mind.
“You need to quit freaking out before Darius starts to mock you again.” Damien said in a calm tone.
Xander felt like his mouth was full of blood again, his Alpha’s words were really too harsh. However angry Xander was at Damien’s words, they held true as Darius did start mocking him.
“How did I get paired with such a drama King? I should ask the Moon Goddess for a refund. Such trivial things send you into hysterics!” Darius growled.
Xander felt another wave of indignation. “A refund!” He roared internally at his woll
“Yes! A humanoid refund!” Darius growled.
“The music she chose for this battle…she’s sending a message,” Damien said, distracting Xander and Darius from their fight.
Xander was listening to the lyrics of the song and looking at the fight that was happening. “Love The Way You Hate Me? Xander asked in a questioning tone, then said, “If there is a message, Sarah didn’t listen to it.”

Damien nodded, letting out a hum of agreement. “She did not.”
As the battle went on, if you could call it that, the song changed. “This song is a message to her parents and their Clan Alphas.” Damien said after identifying the
“Mutiny?” Xander said, his tone once again questioning. “Is she finally rebelling against her family?”
Damien gave him a glare that said, “Is that not obvious.” While his wolf Darius said, “idiot! Of course, that is what that means?”Xander felt that if this kept up, he would never get rid of the imagined taste of blood from his mouth
“Even your wolf knew the answer. Damien told him.
Xander let out a growl of irritation. “It’s bad enough I have to hear my wolf berating me inside my own head, but do you have to be so cruel as to encourage
Damien let out a deep chuckde. “Is it berating you to point out the truth?”
Xander was unable to offer a response, he could only sit there with that coppery taste in his mouth and stew for a moment. Although Xander was quick to anger and offer hysterics, he was just as quick to calm down, forgive and then forget.
Xander watched the footage till the end, then Damien started it all over again. This time Xander paid attention to every detail he could see from the video. From start to end it was a show of power, it was a female saying she was done submitting to her family’s cruel treatment of her. It was also a public beating for one of her abusers.

is capable of, she in this year’s Alpha Class frst rack fighter. Anyone challenging les Damien had a demdpan espersonen as he baked Beattien mould join them, aral hem she wondd laugh and smile at all iga before puberty, when she became fem friends with

ek, we’ll investigate what made Beatrice change in drastically” Darkien told Xander
Damien’s windi shot through Kander, sending him deep into his thoughts for a motsent. “Thank you” Xander said, his mice hoarse with em
coffed ashly. “Why do you thank me? This is something I shudd di as your friend and Alpha.”
ikle in response to Damien’s words. “Then I thank the Moon Goddess for having such a friend and Alpha *
“Okay, magh with the emotional stuff, lets grab something to eat the
the next portion of our exams.” Damien said at he
Xander was quite woman when it came to certam subjects, his family, his mate, the protection of his Alpha, and the prosperity of their Pack, Outside of subjects. Kander allowed his emotions and reaction fier teign.
“No matter what I will not net accept Neutrice’) tejection. “Xander told his wolf, his tone serious.
Darius did jud jespond right away, he knew very well that has humanoid would not give up on their mute. “I know be it a few months, jean, or
““Let us hope we do not have to wait centuries for her to accept us. I am hoping when we go back this time, we will be able to finally claim her. “Xander replied.
7 pray to the Moon Goddess we will be so fortunate. “Darius said, has tone had a mournful note to it.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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