Damien glanced to the side, bis relationship with my female’s sister
almost glaring as he answered Nabonidu’s question. “This fool a younger brother, who has been in a several years long sexual
Nabweidus fuud a wide ryed expression on his face, stunned by this turn of events. Then he turned to look at Xander. “Xander.” He spoke.
“Vex?” Kander responded.
“Your brother……….” Nabonibus trailed off.
“Yes?” Xander asked after a moment of silence.
“Your brother is an imbecile.” Nabeonidas finally said.
Damien laughed at the complicated expression that appeared on Xander’s face caused by Nabonidus’s words.
With his eyeboow and one corner of his lips twitching, Xander said, “In that regard your Alphaship…….I cannot disagree.“
Shapur could not help but laugh at Xander’s use of the word “Mplaship “”Alphaship, I will have to remember that one in the future.”
Nationidus gazed at Shapsit with a veiled expression. “And post who are you thinking of addressing with such a title?” He asked, his tone cold.
Shapur stopped laughing abruptly and gave Nabonidus a nervous look. “Ah. no one, no one, just a joke”
Nabonidus glared at Shapur a little longer, post to make sure he was properly contrite, then he once again focused his gaze on Damien. “May I know the name of this young female you claim as your muate?
Damien’s gaze softened and a small loving smile curled his lips. “Alora Luna Heartsong, the Lost descendant of the Alpha Luna Bloodmoon Heartsong”
Nabonidus sat up straight and looked at Damien in suprise. “One of the original bloodlines. Is she Goddess Blessed?
Damien pulled down the V-neck of his shirt, baring the deep red colored mark in the center of his chest. “Just as I am.” Nabonidas’s surprise at this revelation was physical as his body jerked in his seat. “The differences between het maik and mine are the colors, and mine is not visible when shifted while her mark is.”
“How is it we have never seen it before?” Nabonibus asked.

“Even when I was young, I drew a lot of attention. That is not something I am fond of So, I asked my mom to come up with something to cover it, something that would not come all even if wet. My mother found a tattoo concealer that was waterproof and needed a special remiser to get it off. I just haven’t applied it today:” Damien told han
“Do you plan to continue to hide the mark?” Nabonadus asked, feeling that he had been right all along about Damien, and that there was more to him than met the eye
Damien shrugged. “I’m not sure, it depends on how I feel tomorrow and the next day. We only have these last three days before we are able to go home. With wich a short amount of time left here, I no longer feel the need to hide it ”
Nabonidus nodded his brad several times. “I see what you mean. I would find it tiresome at this point ”
*That is hom I’m feeling about it at the moment. “Damien agreed.
The atmosphere lightened considerably after that, their talks shifting to the exams they had finished, and the ones that were to come next. They finished their meals pist as the campus bell rang, signaling the need to return to exain rooms.
“All of these Delta Class challengers are more annoying than anything else. I didn’t expect them to be this easy to defeat.” Garrett said, letting out a sigh.

“Well father asked Master University “ Danım explained. ““Mich, wet that explains his yoL THE many more fights before the next boul” Lemun asked. “There are four more challengen lett. Thankti “Thank the

“Tei hungry too.” Alora said as she rubbed her belly.
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Alota kooked up at Darien with a confused expression. “Okay, are we
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“I third tay’I want to take us wanewhere clar: “ Darien said
*What about deretuty?” Akaa asked
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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