konathan, ba phone
Bettina. Northma
pool and hoths, Jonathan dikel
whood Vant we for her back, isto the Clan without letting her tar
“Why do we have to force her to change her surname back to ours!
by having it ” This sentensor had lonathan lifting has phone to moved what was happening
“Because of the terms on my father’s Will, If Alma’s sa is not changed back, the The one to inherit all that laid and named the Alpha of that Clas” Bettina shocked. “But if bot name remaina Northmssuntaan till after her tweets third Mithlon. I will inherit the last, the manswas, all that alth and the title of Clan Alpha Onor I have that our status will be equal with the Alphas of the Northmountain and Frost Clans.”
“Oh.” Sarah said, stunned. Aher thinking about it for a moment, she became ngry. “Why is it that whore is the grandlaughter that inherits, why not me??!”
“Because of that stupid buthmack on that wielch’s hip! It marks her as being part of the Heartsong’s original Moalline and a future Alpba?” Bettie lowby, nying to keep het voor down, but it was still loud enough to be heard cleath by the hidden Jonathan,
“Is that why you always made her hide it, and told her it was a cursed mark that would get her banished from the Pack if
jone ever saw it? Sarah asked her

This question sent a jolt of surprise through Jonathan. He knew all this time that Abra had to be suffering from abuse at home. Abuse Mora refused to speak. about or acknowledge the existence of Jonathan’s suspicions were just confirmed, and he now had knowledge of some of the cruelty Alora had been suffering all these wear
“Yes?” Bettinar’s shriek now held a growl to it. “I even tried to cut it off her with a wher Bade. When that didn’t work, I tried to burn it off, but like every wound we have given her it has always healed without a seat and that damned mark would appear again on the healed flesh!”
“Then what are we going to
Karah whined.
Sarah couldiv’t stand the thought of Alora becoming a Clan Alpha and having such a higher status than her. It wasn’t fair in Sarah’s mind for that mongrel wirtch. was going to inhent all that land and a title just because of some stupid birthmark. Sarah was the elidest and if anyone should inherit all that from their grandfather it was het. That whore Alora deserved none of it, and Sarah was not about to let her have it any more than her mother would.
“There is already a plan in place thanks to our Clari Alphas. We just have to follow it. Tonight, when that wretch comes home, we will lock her up in the basement. and wait for the Alpha’s to send someone to retrieve het. Once they have her, they will force her to change het sumame back to Northmountain.” Bettina said, sounding vinnig
Sarah smiled, delighted in the plans her mother had, then she frowned. “What about school, there are still two more days left.”
“The stupid bitch is eighteen now and is no longer required to attend school. That and the Clan’s soon to be cleaning slave does not need a high school diploma.* Came Bettina’s cruel reply.
Allister did not add anything to their conversation at all, he stood off to the side brooding. Allister was still upset with the part of the plan that involved them handing Alora over to the
Jonathan was horribed by the details of the conversation between Bettina and Sarah. Their level of cruelty was unfathomable to Jonathan. There was one thing about this plan that Bettina did not Even if she had the ability to pull Alora out of school early, which she did not, Alita would not lose out on her diploma
Seniors took two types of exams before the end of the year final exams. The pre final written exams and the Senior Class Final Fight Class Kank Placement exami These exams were taken a month before the end of the school year.
If something happened in that last month that prevented a Senior from taking the end of the year final exams, those early exams would be used to determine Seniors eligibility to graduate. Mora’s scores on those exams were perfect, and they alone would secure her place as the top graduate of this year’s Senior Class
Jonathan bet, based on the cruelty and filth he had just heard, that this group would be furious to know that detail. Jonathan stayed behind the pillar, waiting for the group to move on so they would not know their conversation had been overheard,
Allister got tired of just standing there and listening to Bettina and Sarah bitch and moan about Alora. “Come on you two, I’m hungry and we don’t need the wrong person to come along and hear you two”
Jonathan found those words from Allister ironic, considering he was the “wrong person” to have come along and overheart their conversation, Now that Jonathan knew of this plan to harm Alora, he would not stay silent. Jonathan watched as the group moved further into the parking garage.
Jonathan waited until he saw the Northmountain’s car drive past the pillat he was behind to move. After he got into his car, Jonathan made sure to send the recording of the conversation to Alpha Andrew’s email, then he called him, not wanting to delas getting them this information,
Alpha Andrew and Luna Ember had already reached their car and were sitting inside when Andrew’s phone rang. Andrew looked down at his phone to see who was calling, and his expression became curious.
Ember leaned over his shoulder to see who was calling, and her brows rising in surprise. “We just left him not too long ago, what could have caused him to call us after such a short time.” She asked her mate.
Andrew shrugged and said, “There is only one way to find out.” Accepting the call, he placed it on speaker mode before greeting Jonathan. “Hello Jonathan, is there something I can help you with?”
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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