Chapter 57: *“Kneel!“*

Wesley landed on the arena floor and rolled limply until his back hit the stadium wall. Some of his intestines were protruding out of the rips in his stomach Alora’s claws had made. Was what Alora did a little over the top?….maybe, but did the male deserve it?…yes. The medic rushed in, and Alora was announced the winner.

There was a roar of approval from the row of Alpha Class fighters, and the row Alpha Andrew sat in shook the stadium. The Dragon Master had joined the Alpha pair in roaring their approval of Alora’s win. The power of it washed through Alora, taking with it more of the burdens upon her souls.

Alora debated on going back up to her seat or not, she was to fight in the next match as well. Instead of doing triage there on the dirt floor, the medics loaded Wesley up on a stretcher and took off with him. As soon as Wesley was off the field, her fight with Byron Northmountain was announced.

Alora turned to face Byron as he stepped up onto the fighter’s platform, the song ‘Undefeatable‘ by Sega and Tomoya Ohtani featuring Kellin Quin started blaring over the speakers. Byron was only an inch taller than Wesley, and he looked like a slightly bulkier version of Wesley.

It was like Wesley and Byron could have been twins, they were both born on the same day, within moments of each other. Alora thought of the bindings made of Black Magic that had been placed on her at her birth. It made her wonder whether or not Black Magic had played a part in Wesley and Byron’s conception and birth.

Byron looked at Alora with fury, his body vibrated from it. “You had orders from our Clan Alphas to stand down!” He growled.

Alora narrowed her eyes at Byron, still in her Lycan form. “I’m my own Clan Alpha now.” She growled out. “I do not answer to the Alphas of the Frost or Northmountain Clans.” Byron snarled at her words. “I answer only to our Pack Alpha, the Alpha of Alphas.”

Byron shifted into his Lycan form. “A bitch that doesn’t know her place deserves to be

punished! I’ll tear you to pieces and bring you to heel!” He snarled before charging at Alora.

“Bring us to heel?!” Xena snarled at Byron, having a voice in this combined form. “I think not. It is you who will heel!” Then Alora and Xena’s released their Alpha’s aura. “Kneel!” Alora and Xena combined voices commanded.

With their Alpha’s aura released, it slammed into Byron. He had no choice but to obey the command, his body coming to a jerking halt in front of Alora. Then it was like a huge gravitational force slammed him down onto his knees. There was an audible crack as both his knees broke, then Byron let out an agonized howl.

Byron would have fallen to the platform in a fetal position if he could have, but Alora’s Alpha’s aura held him in place. “Surrender!” Alora and Xena demanded in a growl.

Byron wanted to resist, but his mouth opened up and his voice howled out, “I surrender!”

The official acknowledged the surrender and the announcer called out her win. Only then did Xena retreat and Alora went back to her humanoid form, packing away her Alpha’s aura. This time her aura hovered under her skin. Only prolonged skin to skin contact would give it


It seemed to Alora, the more she used her Alpha’s aura, the more control she had over it. Alora made her way back up to her seat in the top row. Alora and Jamison nodded at each other as he made his way down the stairs for another challenge. Alora sat down and was immediately drawn to a conversation Mason was having with Garrett.

“The song you picked for your fight with Serenity wasn’t your usual music. How did you

one?” Mason asked

in, down at the very bottom of the

You mean I could have passed the buck to my challenger this

time!” Mason hollered incredulously.

and nodded.

hands up in the air then turning

and Jaxon demanded at the

it by accident after a few

Arthur Treasuregaurd, an obviously Sarah song. Leaning closer to

we could do something like that when Sarah fought Arthur.”

if we did, would you have really allowed

before she shook her head. “No, I wouldn’t

time to catch Darien throwing his head back and laughing. With a curious expression, he

“We just found out that the both of us are music control

only more confused, but before he could ask anything Mason told

seat next to Lexus. Lexus explained it all to him before he could ask Garrett. After Lexus got through his explanation, Alora’s words finally made sense. In the end, he turned to Garrett and said, “You still could have

let out a frustrated growl, “I already said

when Mason came back from winning his match. Garrett’s name was called over the speakers for another match. Mason smirked at Garrett’s annoyed expression

more matches are

to keep us busy

fast as we have

made short work of

the sooner we end the day the better. I’m already hungry again.”


lunch not that long ago,” Jamison said with

and shifting takes a lot of fuel, and I’m halfway

only been an hour.” Jamison

quit quarreling?” Garrett said as he came to sit back down in his seat. Jaxon’s name was called

and said at the same

Mason laughed. “Yet.”

growled at Mason.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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