Chapter 58: *“Very well then…have two weeks…”

The smack echoed across the first level of the parking garage as Clan Alpha Frost’s hand connected with Bettina’s cheek. Bettina let out a pain filled cry as she crumpled onto the concrete. Sarah screamed in shock and dropped to the ground next to her mother, gathering her in her arms. Bettina had tears in her eyes as she looked up miserably at Clan Alphas Frost and Northmountain.

“Now, now Sigur. We mustn’t damage her too much.” Clan Alpha Northmountain said as he laid a gentle hand on Alpha Frost’s shoulder.

Alpha Frost glared down in disgust at Bettina. “You’re right as always Sieg. She still has one more chance to redeem herself and her family.”

Bettina’s eyes widened at the underlying threat those words contained. They told her if she failed this last time, there would be severe consequences. “I promise, I promise I won’t fail this time.” Bettina cried out, hoping to appease the Alphas.

Sarah, for once, kept her mouth closed, not wanting any more trouble to come to her mother. Sarah had no idea just how much damage that mongrel Alora would cause her family. If only she had known, she would have incapacitated that bitch well before the start of today’s exam. Imprisoning that whore in the basement would have prevented all the

humiliation they were currently suffering because of her.

Allister had been forced to his knees and held there by both Clan Alphas‘ primary enforcers. He had let out his own cry of pain as his knees cracked loudly against the concrete. Luckily for Allister, his knees were not broken, unlike Byron Northmountain’s.

Allister, despite all this, still did not want to hand Alora over tonight. He thought hard on a way to avoid handing her over. It took him a moment, then he remembered the Pack Alpha’s

youngest male.

“We can’t hand her over just yet.” Allister said in a trembling voice.

Alpha Frost turned to Allister with an angry glare that sent shivers of fear down Allister’s spine. “Why not?!” Alpha Frost growled out the question.

Allister dropped his gaze from Alpha Frost’s, tilting his head to offer his neck in

be…cautious…about the timing.” Allister paused, peeking up just enough to make sure he had the attention of both Alphas. “The Pack Alpha has been overseeing her education for years.” Allister went on. “Between that and her being close friends with

looked up at Sarah in confusion, still holding her injured cheek.

now we can teach her a lesson for not obeying us when she should have. Oh,

smile crueler than Sarah’s stretched across her face. “You’re right my perfect princess. After all, soon she will no longer be under the ever–watchful

Now he saw how evil Sarah had become, and he wondered how much longer he would be able to survive under the same roof as both females. Allister shook his head, he would think more about how and when to leave,

sneak up to your room, grab all your things, and sneak back

over at Darien with an, ‘Are you kidding me?‘ expression on her face. “There is no way I’m going to be

Darien frowned. “Why not?”

her eyes. “If you haven’t noticed, they have already left the

see if he could find Allister and Bettina. When he couldn’t find those two, he looked around for Sarah.

“About several fights ago. Same time as Clan Alphas Frost

with a confused expression. “And how did you notice when I didn’t?” His tone was


a steady gaze for

aware of their enemies‘ movements when one

winced, now feeling a little guilty for having asked his

it away, a small smile curling one side of her mouth. “Don’t worry about it.” Then her expression turned serious. “The only thing I need, to make sure I make it out of

escort huh?”

they can’t turn you away. I could run up to

down at Alora, shocked, it had been a long time since he had been in the Northmountain’s home. Mainly because it caused Alora so many issues with her family when he had. Not that Alora ever told him about it, but he could tell by the careful way she would move, and the scent of blood that would come from her. When asked about the scent of blood, Alora would explain it away by saying she was menstrual. Darien wasn’t fooled, after years of being around females and Alora herself, he knew the difference

Darien said, after

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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