Chapter 59: *“…forgive…the unforgivable.”

Alora turned to meet Darien’s gaze, he had a look in his eye that said he couldn’t believe what he had just heard. Alora swallowed, feeling a little guilty for not telling Darien about the challenge from Matthew.

Darien was not the only one looking at Alora in stunned surprise over who her new challenger was. Jaxon, Mason, Garrett, Lexus, and Jamison all wore various stunned expressions.

“Did you know he was one of your challengers?” Darien asked.

Alora winced, ducking her head a little. “Yeees.” Alora said, drawing out the word.

Darien’s face scrunched in an expression of confusion. “And you didn’t say anything because….?”

Alora shrugged. “It just didn’t seem important. Besides, it was a last–minute entry.”

Darien frowned, he didn’t know how to feel about this. Obviously, he was worried about Alora, and how this challenge was making her feel. Before he could say anything more, Alora was up and making her way to the arena floor. Matthew had already made his way down, after receiving a few very intense stares from Jaxon, Mason, Garrett, Lexus, and Jamison.

The beat of the song Alora had chosen, Andromeda by Dance With the Dead, already blasting out of the stadium speakers. That right there put Darien’s mind more at ease about the fight. There was no hidden message in this song, as it had no lyries. Then Darien wondered if maybe Alora’s choice of a lyric–less song was a message in and of itself.


Matt felt the questioning stares from the Alpha Class fighters sitting behind him, the feeling had the hair on the back of his neck rising. The question would be along the lines of, what was he thinking? Why would he issue a challenge he knew he couldn’t win? Why was he challenging Alora after he rejected her? The answer to all those questions was simple. Matt owed it to Alora.

Matt was very aware that he was in for a beating from Alora, one he felt he deserved. He wanted to apologize to her for what he did. Even though he felt that no apology would ever be enough for rejecting a gift from the Moon Goddess herself. That was what Alora had been…a gift. He could never take the rejection back, he could only hope the next male lucky

enough to receive Alora as a fated mate, would treasure her immensely.

Matt made his way to the arena, making it to the platform before Alora. The song she had chosen started out with the sounds of a thunderstorm, before introducing an electronic beat. He looked up and watched as Alora took her place on the fighter’s platform in front of him.

He was struck by how beautiful she was, a nearly polar opposite to Sarah. Maybe it was an illusion, a combination of the stadium lighting and her caramel–colored skin, but her eyes glowed. Regret weighed heavily on his heart.

Ares let out a mournful sound, the loss of what could have been was painful to him. Ares knew why his humanoid form had chosen to challenge their now formerly fated mate. He agreed with the reason, and felt it would provide them both with the closure they needed.


Alora and Matthew did not start fighting right away, instead Alora studied Matthew with a narrowed gaze as she tried to figure out why Matthew would challenge her after rejecting her that morning.

is his motivation?‘ Alora

don’t know.‘ Xena

rejecting us?‘

always ask.‘

with Xena, her gaze still narrowed she tilted her

spoke of sadness and regret. Making Alora feel


a deep breath he let out in a remorseful sigh. “I owe it to you after what I did this morning. It was a disservice to not only

wow.‘ Xena said,

you should tell him what the Moon

do too. It is strange, but I also feel he needs this fight.‘ Alora told

needs closure.‘

she didn’t respond verbally, Alora felt Xena’s agreement


this fight with a nod. Alora decided she would give him a good fight, and entered into a

her fighter’s stance. He made the first move, coming at her fast, but not fast enough. Alora moved in a fluid motion that was even faster than his own, deflecting the punch he had aimed at her solar plexus. Then in a beautiful flow of motion that was almost like a dance, she

on his feet and then jumping back a few feet. He barely had time to take a defensive pose before Alora made a powerful jab to his ribs, he grunted in pain when her fist connected. Alora followed the jab up with a kick to his other side. He lowered an arm to block the kick, and grunted in pain as

stumbling to the side

they regained their

beautifully deflected

Matthew felt like they were a lowly peasant going up against a powerful Goddess. Ast

Matt increasingly felt like his moves were

were fast and

to the end of the five

needed to end definitively.

flying off the platform and across the arena floor. He

back. Matt let out a pain filled groan when

hopped off the

Coming to a stop she looked down and met his gaze. There in his eyes,

that the battle they fought had given him the closure he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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