Chapter 60: *“…‘distinguished‘ guest…“*

“Got a text from Darien.” Ember said to Andrew, she leaned against his side and showed him the message.

“Alora wants me to go with her when she goes back to the Northmountain’s to collect all her things. She said I would be able to provide a distraction as her ‘distinguished‘ guest while she snuck up to her room.”

Ember looked and met her mate’s gaze, he had one eyebrow raised and an amused smile lifting one corner of his handsome mouth. “A distraction as her ‘distinguished‘ guest huh?”

A smile stretched across Ember’s plump lips, and a mischievous gleam lit her eyes.

“While the youngest son of the Pack Alpha and Alpha of Alpha’s is certainly a ‘distinguished‘ guest.” She paused and raised a hand to run an index finger flirtatiously over Andrew’s chin. “Who could possibly be a more ‘distinguished‘ guest than the Pack Alpha and the Alpha of Alpha’s himself?”

Alpha Andrew let out a dark chuckle that made Ember shiver in appreciation. Andrew lifted his hand and cupped Ember’s cheek gently. “Only my mate, the Pack Luna and Luna of Luna’s could possibly be a more ‘distinguished‘ guest.”

Ember felt herself melt at his words. “Oh, you are good my darling. You know just how to flatter a female.”

Leaning down, Andrew brushed his lips against hers while looking deep into her eyes. “Only you my sweet, only ever you.” He murmured in a husky voice, before fastening his mouth to hers and giving her a deep kiss that left them both panting.

It was the giggling from Lissanna and the coughing fit from Boris that reminded the pair that they had an audience. Ember felt her face flush hotly, and a ruddy color spread across Andrew’s cheeks.

“Like a newly mated couple you two are.” Lissanna teased.

Ember sent a glare Lissanna’s way, but it lacked any real heat. “Like we haven’t caught you two necking a few times before.”

This only sent Lissanna into another fit of giggles while Boris put his hands over his face and let out a groan: Andrew laughed at his friend and Beta’s reaction to Ember’s teasing. Patting Boris on the shoulder, Andrew said amusedly, “Don’t worry friend, our females will

eventually find other ways to both embarrass and torture us.”

Lifting his head from his hands, Boris gave Andrew an annoyed side glare. “That does not help me in this situation, nor provide me much comfort in my thoughts of our future. What kind of Alpha are you?”

Andrew grinned widely. “An honest one?”

“Thanks for your

to ignore his sarcasm and



so hard by this point

shook his head and looked down at his own mate. A moment later his frown turned into a soft and loving smile. Even though her reason for laughing was at

the Moon Goddess, his wish for his sons the ability to experience this blessing one day with their own fated mates. His prayer to the Moon Goddess brought his thoughts back to Alora. The female pup had

for today. Tomorrow’s battles of the Senior Class fight exam will be in defending your new or already established fighter ranks. Parents and family will be allowed back to witness these battles as well. Up on the

the fights had ended, there were other things that needed to be done. Boris and Lissanna were going to join Matthew as he confronted Sarah’s three friends. If black magic was in play with those three females, Andrew trusted Boris

were to join their son, his new

planned to join his son in providing the distraction Alora needed to quickly pack all she needed for her move. Soon Alora would be a


up from his seat and grabbed his

telling them they were done for the day. Folding her hoodie, she stuffed it into her bag before swinging it onto her shoulder. Then she quickly dodged out of the way of Serenity who had

liked how

each other, Alora turned to Kain and Galen. “So how

of questioning took Kain and Galen’s attention off their sister. With a wide smile Galen was the first to respond. “It’s great, now we qualify for elite enforcer training with the Pack

“Is that

well, nodded. “It’s been a dream of ours since we were just tiny pups to one day

nodded, she felt happy for the two. “Have you decided on the Alpha you would

lighthearted expression, said. “We

have, have you?” she asked, looking back and forth from Kain to

but seeing as the Alpha we want to serve is you,

hadn’t expected that

nodded, looking

brow furrowed in confusion, Alora asked, “Why

a great Alpha one day.”

the Clan Alpha of the Heartsongs. Any training going forward would be specific to protecting you and your new Clan.” Kain

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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