Chapter 78: *“She’s pulling on her life chain.“*

“Life chain?” Alora asked, confused.

“Yes. A life chain is something specific to Vampires and their offspring. After a Vampire’s offspring is born, a life chain will connect the two together. Or three if both parents are Vampire. It allows the offspring to contact their parent or parents in a time of need. It will also transmit strong feelings of the offspring to their parent or parents.” Selena explained. “Our life chain should be connecting us to our father.”

“This chain wasn’t visible till the spell on us was broken.” Xena said in a serious tone.

Xena’s tone had Alora looking at her, her head tilted slightly. “What’s on your mind?”

“I think the spell silenced our life chain, the same way it silenced Selena.” Xena said.

Selena looked down at the chain coming from her own chest and grabbed it. After studying it for a bit, her eyes went wide with a kind of shocked realization. “That means…he didn’t abandon us.”

Alora hadn’t really allowed herself to think about their real father since learning who he was. Alora knew her father was told they were dead after he had sought them out. The logical conclusion that could be drawn from that was that he at least planned to acknowledge their existence. Unfortunately, it didn’t stop the doubts from forming. ‘Would he like them, or would he despise them as Bettina, Allister, and Sarah had?‘

Alora looked down at the chain in her hand with a frown. There is only one way to find out if he’ll love us or hate us.‘ Alora thought, right before she gave the chain a good yank. When she did there was a sound, like a giant gong had been struck. The sound resonated so deeply she could feel it in her chest. Everything in their space vibrated from the sound, until it eventually dissipated.

Selena were both looking at Alora with wide–eyed expressions of surprise. Then Selena looked down at the chain she held and pulled hard. Another loud sound of a giant gong being struck resonated through their space. Xena looked down at her chain as the sound once again dissipated. After studying it for a moment,

their gazes looking off into the distance. When nothing visible happened after that moment they all looked at each other. With silent nods

three pulled the chain at the same time. This time, there was the sound of several giant gongs being struck. The sound vibrated within their chests, and everything around them shook and trembled with the sound.

sun was gone, and only the moon shone down on their space. The lake and everything else glowed with internal light. The three looked at each other with curious gazes,


enormous garden in the Palace courtyard. Sometimes he would stop and look at his desk, and the silent phone that rested in the center. Sometimes he would stop and look at the swords on the wall that belonged to his lost child. Then there were times he would stop and look at the large antique clock that sat

Moonstar had already been returned by the Alpha’s Gamma. A time for the call back had already been arranged for that evening. Logically, Sebastian knew that his pacing and continued glances at the clock would not make time pass faster. Nor would it make the phone ring sooner than it should. Still, he was impatient to hear

well as some tiny sandwiches. The tea was a robust black

Intelligence Officer had brought them. In it was a lot of information on Bettina and her current living situation. In it, she read some of what she already knew. Bettina was married to a male who was not her fated mate, and one of her three children had

gave Stephanie the impression she was one of

in the photos. The way the female smiled gave Stephanie a sinister feeling. While the photos of Bettina’s youngest daughter gave her a sorrowful feeling. In most of the photos, the young female was covered head to toe. The only photo that showed more

Stephanie’s expression became blacker and blacker. Stephanie was so furious and upset over what she read, tears glistened from the corners of her eyes. From this report, Stephanie was able to determine just which of Bettina’s daughters

a flash of his immense surprise

instead he placed a hand on the center of his chest. At first, he couldn’t believe what he was feeling, until he felt the pull again moments later. Eyes wide, he looked at his mate.

abruptly in shock, hope sparking in her eyes. The report fell to the floor, the papers inside scattering

on her life chain.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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