Chapter 79: Meeting their father for the first time

It was just as they heard the footsteps of two beings walking on the bridge, that Selena suddenly ran and hid behind a bookshelf. The emotions coming to Xena and Alora from Selena were many and complicated. Although they wanted to go to Selena and comfort her, they were not given the time to. They could only turn back towards the bridge and watch as two large males entered their space through the dark mist.

They were both tall regale looking males. The taller one of the two males looked almost exactly like Selena. Only without the regalia and stars in the hair. His eyes were inner rings of violet with outer rings of silver. His skin and knee length hair were black as night. His body was broad, and his tightly packed muscle tone was in between lean and thick. His facial features were nearly identical to the male next to him.

The male next to the first one, although tall as well, stood two inches shorter at seven foot ten. His white–blond hair was waist length and bone straight. His dual–colored eyes were inner rings of white with outer rings of ruby red, the outer corner tilted up. He had elegant but strong male features, a high brow over a straight nose. High well–defined cheekbones and a full mouth. His body structure identical to the taller male. His skin was the same color as Alora’s.

It was very clear that they were their father, both his humanoid form and his Sprite. It was because they were here in a metaphysical space that they were able to appear side by side. Outside the metaphysical space in the physical world, they could only be visible in one or the other form. It was making for an interesting first meeting so far. Especially when you added in Selena hiding behind a bookshelf.

“Why are you hiding?” Alora asked Selena through their shared mind link.

“I don’t want them to see my scars.” Selena replied, tears in her voice.

“Oh…Selena.” Xena crooned, her voice full of caring and sorrow.

“They are our father…eventually he’ll have to know.” Alora told her sadly.

“I know. I just…I just need a moment. Just a moment.” Selena pleaded.

“Okay. You don’t need to force yourself now. Come out when you’re ready.” Alora said, understanding.

Once the two forms of their father stood in the black sand of the shore, they all studied

each other. Alora and Xena noted the silver marks on the Sprite form of their father. Many of them looked like the ones Selena carried.

just as you do.” Alora told Selena, hoping it would make her feel better about her

her legs, and her tear–streaked face was buried in her knees.

“He does.” Xena confirmed.

both at a loss of what to say when they came face to face with two of his daughter’s three forms. There were many questions running through their minds, but for some reason they

this is my Sprite, Deimos.” He kept his voice low, trying his best to put his daughter at ease. “We are

humanoid form gave them was expected. The twinge of hurt in their hearts,

His daughter’s humanoid form said. Gesturing first to herself, and then

father’s. Her hair was black like his mother’s. Her eyes were the same violet and silver as

ancestor of Bettina’s.

nothing of Bettina’s wolf in his daughter’s wolf. It made him wonder what ancestor of

deep voice ringing with thousands of

My name is Selena.” A soft voice

one it belonged to continued to hide behind the shelf. Sebastian and Deimos looked at each other, their expressions

and her wolf. “As soon as I felt your life

to make them more wary of them. “What we found suggests that your living situation with your mother

Alora said the word while nodding. “That’s one way to

word horrific, does not fully describe it either.”

name like it was

what to do. Selena couldn’t decide if she should keep hiding or stand up and reveal herself to their father. Alora felt a little angry at their father and didn’t

hearing Alora call her name, Selena closed her eyes tightly and forced herself to stand up. With halting steps, she moved out from behind the bookshelf. She heard their shocked gasps and flinched. It took everything in her to raise

Their eyes and facial expressions were very emotional. Alora and Xena turned their heads to look back at her. After meeting their gazes, Alora held her hand out. Selena felt so grateful for that one small gesture of

tell their father would never have voluntarily abandoned them. If their father had known they were alive, they never would have been left with Bettina. Their father would have taken them. from Bettina the second he knew she was not only facilitating her abuse and torture but was a full participant.

than it had, without the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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