Chapter 80: *“Not nearly long enough.‘

The request was so unexpected that at first, they didn’t know how to react. Alora felt like a vise had squeezed around her heart. Her own mother, and the male she had thought to be her father had not once, in all this life, offered her a hug. Xena felt a spark of longing as soon as she heard this request. Being Alora’s wolf, Xena had also been without the love of her parents. Selena was the first to start stumbling forward to accept the offer.

Selena had been without the ability to touch another living being from shortly after birth till today. She could not deny herself the opportunity to be held by their father. As Selena stumbled forward, the other two followed in acceptance as well. Their father’s forms were taller than they all were, allowing them to bury their faces against their chests. They were quickly surrounded in a warmth that entered their hearts, and their father’s scent wrapped around them.


It was Selena who let out the first heart wrenching sob, followed quickly by Alora’s sobs and Xena’s cries. Sebastien and Deimos felt like their hearts were being torn to pieces as the bodies of their daughter’s forms shook against them. It went on like that for a while, with Sebastian and Deimos shedding tears of their own. Their first child they had thought dead all these years was alive, and in their arms.

Eventually the cries and sobs subsided, and the shaking in their bodies lessoned to the occasional shudder. It was a little while more before Deimos and Sebastian could bear to part from their daughters. They only had so much time left that they could remain in their daughter’s space. All too soon they would have to leave it to return to their own space.

“We’ll have to return to our space soon.” Sebastian told them. His voice was full of his reluctance to part with his daughter so soon after meeting her for the first time.

“Why?” Alora asked, not wanting her father to leave yet.

“If we stay here in your space for too long, our space will collapse into nothing. If that were to happen, we would be trapped here in your space, never able to return to our body in the physical realm.” Deimos explained.

Alora, Selena and Xena looked at them both with wide eyes that held understanding, and a touch of horror. “I don’t want that to happen.” Alora stated.

“How much longer?” Selena asked.

“Not nearly long enough. Just a few minutes left.” Sebastian told her.

Selena’s eyes welled up with tears, but she held them back and didn’t let them fall. “Don’t worry little one. We will make the necessary arrangements with Alpha Andrew Moonstar to visit you as soon as possible.”

you know how long that will take?”

would be heading to you tonight.” Deimos said. “Unfortunately, our identity as the King

isn’t a King, he’s the first continents Alpha

through him.” Sebastian told them. “Until then we can keep in contact with each other through several different magical and or

“Magical?” Xena asked.

is a powerful Witch of the Goldlight line.” Deimos told

as soon as possible.” Sebastian said. “I have to


us?” Selena asked

support. This sight

tone serious. “Stephanie

and zero tolerance for

vibrated the air in their daughter’s space. “Our time is up.” Sebastian announced with

not forever, as they would soon meet her again in the

taking one more look at their daughter. At the sound

space, they stepped back into

was that last look from their father’s forms that let Alora, Xena and Selena know just how reluctant they had been to leave them. It felt good to know that at least


the couch opposite Sebastian with a worried look on her face. She had felt all the changes in her mate’s emotions he was going through in his meditative state. Stephanie let out a gasp of pain, as the crushing weight of Sebastian’s immense sorrow rushed through their bond the moment he opened his eyes. Sebastian’s pain was reflected in his eyes as his gaze met Stephanie’s. She leaped off

and let out a gut–wrenching

worse than what was in the reports Annie!” Sebastian said in an

filled gasp at what her mate told her. A moment later, she drew back and met Sebastian’s gaze, a determined expression on her face. “Show me.” Stephanie

with an internal light appeared above her palm. Inside the circle, were circulating bands of varying width filled with symbols, runes, and ancient words written in flowing calligraphy. Each band rotated independently in different

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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