Chapter 26

Alora’s POV

As Darien was fighting his first opponent, I was thinking on the question he asked me. ‘Where had the chains come from. I wanted to know how they got there, but how to find out. I felt like this was important to know. The only way to get answerers was to ask questions.

“”Xena, do you know how we came to be bound by the chains?” I ask.

No, they’ve always been there, since our birthshe says

Since our birth?” I say questioningly, surprised, making me want to know why.

“Yes, since birth, there was even a chain that was supposed to keep me from coming to you” at this, I’m

shocked to my core.

“What?! You mean I wasnt supposed to be able to shift, to have you with me?” I ask her, panicked at the though of how horrendous my life would have been without having Xena, She’s all that’s kept me together during those really dark pain filled times I wanted to give up and die. I remember when I first heard her voice. 2)

Soaked in my own blood, the fire of so many wounds open. Some half healed, others new, all painful. I would cry silently wondering what I had done to deserve what was happening to me. All I wanted was to be loved, I couldn’t understand why they didn’t love me. Laying in the cold, dark and damp basement. I had heavy manacles around my wrists, they hurt, digging in and cutting into my skin. They were no longer necessary as I couldn’t even get up I was so weak. Why had they done this

to me? I kept wondering, was I really that bad a child? Did I really deserve this?

All I wanted was a piece of the birthday cake made for Sarah’s birthday. So I had asked for one. Mom got so angry, she started slapping me over and over till I collapsed in tears on the kitchen floor. Then she grabbed me by my hair, pulling me back up, slapping me more and more. My face was swollen and bloody, my lips were split, my eyes beginning to blacken. She was shrieking, her words a load roar to my ringing ears. 4)

a blight, a mistake, a good for nothing worthless wretch! A horrible demon that should never have existed! It disgusts me that you came from my womb! If I could

all directions, I didn’t disobey any directive I was given. I just wanted them to love me. I had apologized and begged her to forgive me, sobbing that I was

girl I was, they always found some minute reason to punish me. Even a bad time at the grocery store would be

back and brusing me further. She put the chains around my wrists. The she grabbed the whip, I new what was

no! Please no! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ll be good, I’ll be

the whip, my blood flying every where, I screamed. Until I couldn’t even move, my back, my front, my legs and arms, even the back of my hands, every bit

I was quiet she stopped and stood there watching me bleed all over the floor. Tears falling, not a sound coming from me. Her last words before leaving me there and walking back up the stairs. “I hope you die you wretch, you deserve it for destroying


came, it was pure like a musical wind chime ‘Your not a demon, your a werewolf, and I’m here now’ she had said, ‘Who are you?’ I had asked. ‘I am Xena, your wolf’ she told me. ‘But mommy said I would never have a wolf, that I didn’t deserve one’ I told her. ‘Every child born to a werewolf has a wolf

love you, and one day you’ll have a mate who will love and accept you too’ she told me. I cried at that, I wasn’t alone anymore. You didn’t do anything wrong by

was the day I had

them, and live my own life free of the pain and blood that was my existence with them. I shake my head to shake off the memory, tuning back into our present

you first came to me I remember telling you that my mother had told me I would never have a wolf because I didn‘t deserve one”

the chain that was trapping me in my ‘space‘ keeping me from coming to you she tells

get free of

Goddess had heard me crying out, she came to me that

she says

at that information “What did the Moon Goddess do?”

and It broke. She said “Your destiny to be with your human half will not be kept from you, you will be free to be with your other half.” that‘s when she broke the chain. Then

be true to her bloodline. She was told, as punishment she was denied ascension, her first daughter born will never be acknowledged and gifted my blessing, it will be the second daughter born, the one most like

be the one who

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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