Chapter 135

Stephanie’s POV

We finished out the ceremony smoothly, despite the appearance of the Witches Council representative, Warlock Augustus Moonguard. He was an old friend of my mothers, to have him come here, and voice the Council’s acceptance of me adopting Alora, and my kinship with her Pack, meant something. There had to be a reason he had shown up like this.

My thoughts were spinning around and around in my head, questions forming one after another with no answers appearing. After all the guests said their farewells, the only beings to remain were, my mate, all my children, that included Alora now, and their mates. The Alpha and Luna with their youngest son and his mate. Bulma and her mates, Damien’s Beta and Gamma and Alora’s Beta and

“It’s been awhile since I’ve last seen you Stephanie.” he said, his voice tranquil, giving away nothing.

“Why are you here Augustus?” I asked him, making an effort to keep my emotions from my voice.

“I have news about your mother.” he tells me.

I’m shocked, I can’t answer for a moment, I have so many mixed emotions when it came to my mother. “What news?” I demanded.

“It’s also about your father.” He says, this time his tone is hard.

mother was a Council Witch and he a Warlock of the Witches Council. I had never liked my father either, neither had my sister. To say we didn’t have great memories of that Warlock….was an understatement. 2

Alora suddenly put her hand in mine, my mate wrapped an arm around my shoulders, and my children surrounded me. They were protecting me…and giving me support. I felt tears sting my eyes at the

tions now filling me. I felt their love, and it helped me stay strong, I kept my head held high, my shoulders back, and my spine straight…because I’m a Queen, I’m a wife, and I’m a mother.

Alora’s POV

mentioned her father, I sensed another emotion from her, she seemed to

grace. I admired my new mom so much, she was a really strong woman, an elegant and beautiful lady, and I was glad


place here we can comfortably discuss the information I have for you?” the Council Warlock asked

mother looked at me, asking the question with her eyes, I nod at her and we both face the Warlock. “I have a place.” I tell him, then letting go of mom’s hand I step out in front of everyone, “Follow me.” I say and head to the

tree in the last week, as had Bulma and

so I wasn’t worried about inviting the Warlock inside. When he stepped inside he did what everyone else had done, including me, and looked around

I and provided accordingly. The chairs and couches were rearranged in a circle, surrounding the Trees magic circle in the center. Mates took over

left, Damien and I were sitting on a couch to my dad’s right. We all looked at the Warlock, waiting for him to begin, but he doesn’t say anything at first, just looks around at all of us curiously. Finally his gaze settles on my mom, he

you sure you want everyone here present for this

talk openly here with everyone that is present.”

Warlock takes a deep breath then lets it out in a gush of air that could almost

drawled, getting a few


gives her a narrow eyed look for a moment, then he just nods and turns his attention back onto my mom. “To start at the beginning is to say…I never liked the man your mother was married off

silence for a moment, even my mother “I didn’t know mother had been rejected.”

head “The one who rejected your

would reject me….and when she found out I was pregnant with Kass…..she called her an abomination.” mom said to

sister, your mate, and most especially….what she


voice sad.

her face now, her brow furrowed, my father was still, almost like stone, keeping what he was feeling from showing. I look at my sister and

are you saying to me Augustus?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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