Chapter 136

Alora’s POV

I was not happy at the moment…I was furious. I didn’t allow what I was feeling to show, instead, if the others were to look at me, I would seem calm and serene. The Black Magic Coven had reared it’s ugly head again, only this time it involved my new mother.

This new development made me wonder how many more victims there were, even if the victims didn’t know it yet. Sooner or later, I was going to have to deal with this directly. The Black Magic Coven needed to be kept from rising to power, because if they did….the world wouldn’t survive it.

“The Black Magic Coven has never forgiven your family for it’s part in removing them from power, or being part of freeing the Vampires from their control.” Augustus said in a grim tone to my mother, his words sending a bolt of foreboding through the air.


I stand up abruptly, instincts within me guiding my action. Everyone looks at me in surprise, startled by my sudden movement, even the council member. I walk to the center of the circle and hold up one hand, the magic circle activates, it’s light was a glittery golden glow. I only had to wait a moment before a very large book came to my hand, an antique book podium rose from the ground out of the middle of the magic circle.

I placed the ancient book on the podium, the top of it was shaped like a large open book, with black iron hooks at the bottom of the tilted top to keep the book from sliding off onto the floor. The wood of the podium had deep carvings, the same intricate knots that were so apart of me, were here as well.

“What is going on?” I hear Augustus ask my mother.

“Just wait, this is Alora’s space, her sanctuary, everything in here responds to her and her mate.” mom told Augustus.

“What do you mean?” he askes her.

“She means this is big sis’s magic place, if something is coming to her in here, it’s going to be important.” Cathel said, he seemed annoyed with the Warlock. (2

suspicion. The chair he sat in had a tall wide back, the seat was also wide,


a Council Member, no mater the Council, you should know the Heartsong name, don’t try and convince us that you have come here to see my mother without knowing exactly who my sister is.” Asher said, his voice was

and made him look child like, Asher, however,


rest, and was leaning onto his raised hand, his fingers were curled with his knuckles against

looked every inch the Royal Vampire right now, as did all my other siblings, even Cathel managed to look like a Royal of the Vampires. My father looked the King he

of both. He looked like a King of Werewolves, his aura radiated with his strength. The

Moongaurd.” Augustus flinched, as if my words had hit him when

was a very dangerous female right at the moment. I had so much I wanted to live for and protect now, making me willing to do anything,

public knowledge among this Pack, and what was submitted to the


is not the first time my daughter Alora and her

I say his full title again. “You should take a look at that painting over

of shocked surprise came over his face. “That’s the daughter of the Goldlight’s first son!” he said. “And that wolf, wasn’t he the first Alpha of

like everyone else was

get this book to do it’s magic, then we can have story time with the

the book. This book was about the beginnings of our individual species, and our history, all of it. The book, with the spell I cast, was now displaying it’s words in images

was so long ago, a time ancient to even our long lived species. I only let


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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