Chapter 60 You Might What Separates Me and You by Victoria Wilson Chapter 60What Separates Me and You by Victoria Wilson Chapter 60Be Onto Something Here

Josephine popped her injured finger into her mouth. A heavy coppery taste burst across her

tongue instantly.

“Hey, stop slacking off! If you can keep working, then keep working! If not, get the hell out of here right now! Don’t waste everyone’s time, understand?”

The plump woman always noticed when Josephine stopped working. It was as if her eyes were constantly trained on her.

Josephine crouched on the floor, sucking her finger. She did not respond.

It was apparent that Lewis was the one who ordered the older woman to watch over Josephine. When Josephine didn’t move from her spot on the floor, the plump woman started scolding and threatening her, without putting in actual effort to yank her back to her station.

Of course, the woman would not dream of doing that.

After all, she didn’t know what rich people were up to these days. There was a chance that Josephine and Lewis got into a minor argument in the past. If she were to seriously humiliate or harm Josephine, she would be in big trouble if Josephine and Lewis made up in the future.

“Are you even listening to me? Get up and do the dishes now!”

Josephine could only purse her lips as she raised her head to look at the plump woman. Her (complexion was frighteningly pale.

Naturally, the woman was shocked. “You-”

As she stared at Josephine’s pale face, she suddenly forgot what she was going to say.

Josephine had caught her breath, so she forced herself to stand. After that, she turned around and

continued washing the dishes in the sink.

She felt quite light–headed and dizzy. Her fingers were soaked in the water, so grease and hot sauce were infiltrating her open wound, which caused her tremendous pain.

The plump woman stopped nagging her. She was afraid that Josephine might suddenly collapse lifelessly on the spot.

That was because Josephine’s complexion resembled a corpse’s.

Josephine did her best to hang on till 3 pm. There weren’t any customers in the restaurant, which gave her a chance to catch her breath once again.

The plump woman patted her arm. “Alright, that’s enough. Go have your lunch. You can finish the dishes once you’re done.”

Josephine nodded in response. She went to the dining area that was reserved for the employees. Only leftovers were on the table.

She grabbed a sandwich from the table and sank into a chair. Then, she started nibbling on the sandwich slowly.

The television fixed on the wall happened to be broadcasting the entertainment news. When

Might Be Onto Something Here

Josephine looked up, she noticed Sierra on the screen. It was a live broadcast of the Playtime


the camera was directed at the audience, Josephine noticed Lewis,

first row.

elegantly in his chair while he stared at the stage seriously. Sierra constantly


make Lewis show up in public appearances more frequently. After all,

on the stage.

audience, whereas the shots of the audience were meant for the

see the hottie sitting in the first row?”

he’s so

you know who

employees were standing in front of the television. Women like

invited many celebrities to the event. That particular hottie wasn’t a ‘celebrity, yet he was able to score a central seat in the first

extraordinary person.

never seen

he’s the

Did I miss

is. Once you get on Twitter, you’ll hear about her. That’s Sierra Woods, and she’s posted many pictures of her boyfriend. However, none of those pictures

out their phone and started searching for Sierra’s account on Twitter. As expected, they were able to locate more information on Sierra as

might be on

hottie’s head, his body is exactly the same as the one in

“Woah! Holy shit!”

the other employees‘ chatter. The group then moved on to how Sierra and her mysterious boyfriend fell

also discussed how envious they were of Sierra.

munched on the stale sandwich before sipping on some leftover

hush the dishes

glance at her before whispering among themselves “Hey, that

seems to

you know?

Annie told me.”

they say that mutes are typically deaf

again, if she’s mute, she can’t have lost her hearing, right? I heard that deaf people can’t speak at

test on

dishes and had placed everything into the sanitizing

you hear


women studied Josephine curiously. They had never met a

same time, they didn’t think that they


stared at

she can’t hear us

a pitiful

constantly reminded her that the

headed toward the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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