Chapter 122 Left With Nothing

Before Robert’s slap could land, Lewis caught his hand.

Robert glared at him, his anger palpable. “Are you trying to rebel against me?”

Lewis’ lips curved upward. He started slowly, “We are discussing workplace matters here. Since we’re talking about work, let’s leave the father-son disciplining out of this. I am not only Alvarez Corp’s president but also one of the corporation’s shareholders. We are equals. It’s inappropriate for you to resort to violence against an equal.”

“Fine! Fine! Fine! Whatever!” Robert shook off Lewis’ arm. “Since you want us to talk about work, let’s talk about work! Now that the corporation is facing such a major problem under your leadership, you attempt to brush it off by quitting, and I will allow it! Even if you want to resign, you must resolve this matter and get the company back on track before doing so!”

Lewis’ brows raised. He smiled. “Alright.”

Robert’s rage flared even more as he looked at Lewis’ nonchalant smile.

“Get the fuck out!”

Lewis nodded, turning to leave.

His behavior was impeccable, but his demeanor was even more infuriating. He remained calm even though anyone in his position would have been riddled with anxiety in the face of that.

Either way, his respectful attitude was provocative in every way possible.

When Lewis had left, Robert fumed in the room for a while. He could not understand any of this. Subsequently, he picked up his phone to make a call.

The call connected quickly.

The person on the other end did not speak. Robert opened his mouth, his expression collapsing into a blend of complex emotions.


“Hey, did you see the news about Alvarez Corporation?”

“Yes. Why?”

Robert fell silent. He found it difficult to speak, having not yet decided how exactly to go about


“What? Are you regretting it now? Haven’t you been hopeful about this son of yours?” the person on the other end of the call spoke again.

“I might have been wrong.”

“So, what if you are wrong? It’s not like you can turn back now.”

Robert sat down on his chair weakly. He raised his head and gazed at the ceiling, his dark eyes shining with newfound determination.

“No, we still have a chance.”

“What chance?”

transfer my shares to you now, along with Lily’s. That, combined with what you already have in your company,

person laughed. “Oh, planning a merger,

him out of the board at the same time too. I call it killing two birds with one

Lily? Will

“She’ll have

“Alright then.”

them remained silent after that, an understanding established between them. Robert

he’d valued Lewis highly, Lewis was becoming increasingly arrogant, so much so that he would disregard

Lewis sat in his car, his fingers skating on the surface of the steering wheel

removed the Bluetooth earphone from his ears, and casually tossed it into the storage

Alvarez family mansion

Her injuries hadn’t been severe. After all, she wouldn’t have been foolish enough to jeopardize her own life, so her collision with the tree hadn’t been too forceful.

looked at her phone and answered

voice emanating from her phone, her pupils dilated and her hands

Lewis returned to Styx

sitting on the couch idly, picking at the scab on her knee out of boredom. The scab had fused with the gauze, its edges on the verge of

was still healing. Upon the slight

immediately pressed down on the gauze, taking deep breaths. It wasn’t

did you touch

she heard his voice. Lewis knelt down in front

on her wound.

could only stare at him,

glanced at her briefly. Blood had begun to seep out

brows knitted as he raised his head to look at

truthfully. She truly had been that

it was, anyone sitting in the house



retrieved the first aid kit, and returned to her

even knew where the first


kit and took some fresh gauze from within. Then, he wrapped

to fall by itself, you hear me?” He told her as he sat down by her side after everything had been

was still looking at

clothes he’d been wearing three days ago? His black coat had long been

reached out and brushed the dust off his collar.


head and stared at

” Josephine, if

still stand by my


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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