Chapter 183 To Think She Would Ask That of Him

Lewis halted.

He wasn’t so foolish as to go against Seth’s words just because he sent him that message since he could somehow guess what it meant.

Lewis cast his phone aside and drove back.

He got out of the car and strode into the living room once he reached Alvarez Manor.

As he stepped inside, he saw Josephine kneeling before the coffee table, her hand trembling as she signed the divorce agreement.

The others noticed him immediately.

Nancy rose to her feet. She seemed oblivious to Lewis’ frosty expression as she smiled and said, “You’re just in time, Lewis. Josephine signed the agreement. Hurry up and get your

divorce certificate.”

Lewis stood at the doorway, emanating a horrifyingly chilling aura-not even the furnace. could warm up the room as the air within became colder.

His gaze fell on Josephine.

Her face was as pale as a sheet. Sweat covered her forehead, and her hair was plastered to her face. She looked like she was dunked in water.

Nancy furrowed her brows and instructed Josephine, “Josephine, bring the divorce agreement.

to Lewis.”

Josephine lowered her head and picked up the agreement as she stood, quivering.

She dragged her feet as she staggered to Lewis and handed him the divorce agreement with

both hands.

Lewis scrutinized the papers-there were blood stains all over.

left for her to sign. Covered in blood, the signature was illegible.

Lewis raised his hand and tried to

Josephine cowered and

ashen face and terrified, cautious eyes,

didn’t sound any different than usual if one didn’t listen to his voice carefully.

183 To Think She Would Ask That of

to keep clinging to you, Lewis. I know you can’t bring yourself to be cold-hearted toward this mute, but since you’ve made up your mind to get the divorce, don’t hesitate anymore. I don’t mind being the villain here as long as I can

a hole in

have seemed barbaric if it weren’t for the curve at the corner of his lips. “I guess I have to thank

you both signed the divorce agreement, go on and get

still bleeding, and the blood trickled down her hand, dyeing her whole hand

did this?” asked

shuddered. She wasn’t there when Josephine had to kneel on glass shards as her punishment. The two maids who were made to kneel all day and

found them up until

ran down Mrs. Harrold’s spine as she looked

glance and answered with her back straight, “I did. What about that? You

at Lewis, unrelenting. She didn’t think Lewis would mistreat her, no matter how

divorce. All she did was go with the flow and

would you do so if you

stared right back at Nancy for a long time before looldng away. He glanced at

hand, he tugged her

asked through gritted teeth, “Is he serious about divorcing

Harrold stuttered, “M-Master Lewis signed the papers. He must be serious

see. If he reneged on his decision, I don’t mind

they reached his car. Then, Josephine’s legs finally gave way, and she


fluid soaked through her clothes and found its

her with a complicated

agreement. When he turned, Josephine handed it

gaze upon him. Earlier, her eyes sparkled wilfully even when she negotiated with him, but now they

He reached out, took the agreement, and was about to tear it into pieces when Josephine grabbed his

He froze.

Unpredictably, her tears rolled out from

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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