Chapter 184 Was This How She Begged You

Lewis clasped Josephine’s hand again and slowly said, “Come with me. We’ll get the divorce certificate after your wounds are healed.”

Josephine slowly looked up after hearing this.

“Can we go now?”

Josephine lowered her eyes again and stared at her toes.

Lewis brought her to the car and helped her fasten her seat belts. Then, he went to the driver’s seat and drove out of the mansion’s compound.

When they arrived back at Styx Mansion, Lewis brought out the first aid kit and cleaned Josephine’s hands of the blood stains with the disinfectant.

Josephine sat motionless on the sofa, permitting Lewis’ actions.

He was very gentle, but Josephine still cringed when the alcohol touched the wounds on her fingertips.

“Stay still. Bear with me,” said Lewis as he held her hand steadfastly. Although he tried his best to be careful when disinfecting her wounds, Josephine would still tremble whenever the alcohol came in contact with them.

She could remember clearly the anguish she felt when the needle penetrated her fingertips.

She couldn’t put the pain into words, but she felt she could understand why their forefathers. would think the fingers are connected to the heart.

As enraged as Lewis had been, he had never treated her this way.

The most brutal act Lewis did to her was merely locking her up.

After Lewis cleaned her hands, he observed three of her fingernails were red with an easily discerned thin line of blood running through the middle.

He had a dangerous glint in his eyes that quickly disappeared.

After he finished applying medication to Josephine’s wounds, she was again covered in sweat, and her face was as pale as chalk

“It’s done.”

Josephine kept her head lowered all the time. When she heard him, she quietly withdrew her hand.

Lewis raised his hand to touch her face, but she turned her head slightly and dodged his hand.

word, Lewis stared fixedly at her for several moments before putting his

This How

rose and said, “Have

closing the door after him-locking it behind him,

she lift her head to look at the door. The

entered the room was minimal, even

at her fingers. Her little finger, index finger, and middle

clamoring thunder came right after. Following an ear- splitting rumble, it started

in the lawn, breaking off a

on the sofa, hugging her knees tightly, her eyes staring blankly at the potted plant in a

the heavy rain, several hunks flung Mrs. Harrold to the muddy ground. Rain soaked her thoroughly, and her hair was in an

from the ground and tried

an errand when someone captured her and brought

blur in the torrent. She

to an unknown wound or the heavy rain pounding on her,

a few steps before crashing

like statues

crawled, trying to find a way out, but when she fell again, a pair of leather shoes

water stained those shoes.

him as his condescending eyes were

and fervently begged for mercy. “Master Lewis, it’s all my fault, I merely followed Mrs. Alvarez’s orders and didn’t do it out of my own will. Please forgive me, Master Lewis. I won’t repeat my mistake.” Getting no

The How She Begged You.

instructions. Master Lewis! I

this once, Master Lewis. I beg you. I don’t want

Nancy all these years Roery maid in the household sucked up

and about.

mind she would end up like this, less so Lewis having the nerve to abduct

rain, but Lewis seemed to nothing. His face remained emotionless as he stood there while she

Harrold heard a cold voice above her saying, “Was this how she

before. She shook he frantically

can’t even speak, let alone beg!” He abruptly raised his leg and kicked her, toppling her over. He pressed his mud-stained shoe against her face He looked down at her

Harrold uttered with difficulty. The pressure on her face increased, forcing her to swallow her

I look amiable to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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