Chapter 208 Killing Intent

Right then, there came an announcement saying that they could start entering the theater. Lewis spoke up, “The movie’s starting. Let’s go.”

Sierra wouldn’t be able to enjoy the movie now. Preoccupied with thoughts of Lewis and Josephine’s divorce, she desperately wanted to know if it was true. Unfortunately for her, Lewis didn’t give her a clear answer. On top of that, Josephine came to watch the movie with another man. Based on all these, Sierra could only think hard about whether she’d previously picked up on any clues about their divorce.

As they were in public, Sierra couldn’t continue to inquire Lewis about it. She comforted herself that they would have plenty of time to talk about it later when they returned home.

Quintin also snapped back to reality and hurriedly handed the freshly bought coffee to Josephine. “Come on. We should go in too.”

Josephine took the coffee and nodded lightly. She stood up and followed him inside.

Coincidentally, they ended up buying tickets for the same movie as Lewis. It was a highly anticipated premiere, and tickets for the first screening were extremely hard to come by. Both of them had obtained the movie tickets through special means, so it wasn’t surprising that they bumped into each other.

However, the initial anticipation for the movie had dissipated at that moment. No one was in

the mood to watch the film. They each delved into their own thoughts.

Josephine’s seat was in the front row. As soon as she sat down, she could feel a pair of eyes locked onto the back of her head from behind. She couldn’t tell if it was Lewis or Sierra.

Quintin leaned close to her and whispered, “My dad invested in this movie. It’s supposed to be this year’s blockbuster.”

Josephine nodded and looked up at the screen-it was a science fiction film. A few flicks of this

genre were produced domestically, but the reviews for these films weren’t exactly great. Even for this movie they were watching, half of the cast consisted of foreign actors. In addition, the production company was also involved in some international productions. Due to the relatively successful marketing hype, many people came to watch this film with some


Josephine wasn’t really in the mood to continue watching the movie because the gaze from behind made her feel uneasy. Quintin kept talking to her, but Josephine couldn’t focus on a single word. Like her, Quintin’s mind wasn’t on the movie either; he kept trying to find a point of breakthrough to ask about her and Lewis. Upon seeing her distracted state, he ultimately didn’t pursue it further.

also fell on Lewis’ side profile. From her perspective, she couldn’t tell if he

in front. Sierra frowned; her emotions were all over the place.

he told her? Did he get divorced for her sake? How could the person who had repeatedly assured her there wouldn’t be a divorce end up doing exactly

haunted her, to the point that she couldn’t remember anything about

quickly rushed out of the screening room, as

after her with quick steps. Gasping for air, he asked, “Why did you run

the elevator arrived, she dashed inside. and squeezed into the crowd of people in it. She vaguely saw Lewis and Sierra walking toward the elevator in the split second before the

in the crowd, Lewis’ calm gaze still landed on her somehow. She felt like she was being targeted by a hunter. It was as if he wanted to see through her like he’d discovered an escaping

that his calm gaze was fully laced with killing intent. Fortunately, the elevator

doors closed.

facial expression, which changed constantly, but he didn’t say

took her hand and said, “The car

a word. And so,

Lewis and Sierra to come out.

with a sigh, “Josephine… Isn’t Lewis your brother?”

looking at him guiltily as she gestured, “I’m

Lewis didn’t want others to know about their relationship, Josephine never mentioned her connection with him when they were outside. This was unlike Sierra, who wished for everyone in the world to know about her relationship with Lewis.

okay. I’m not blaming you. I’m just surprised.”


guilt or nervousness, because she considered Quintin

her relationship with Lewis was something to be ashamed of. On the contrary,

while. She was too calm, so calm that it got on Quintin’s nerves

did you really get

cared about

got divorced, and I

finally relaxed a bit, and he grinned. “Can I ask why you got

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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