Chapter 209 Promise You’ll Marry Me

“What are you saying?” Lewis suddenly spoke, interrupting Sierra’s incessant chattering. Sierra was taken aback. She stared blankly at Lewis’ expressionless face, and her fantasies came to an abrupt halt.

“Well, since you’re divorced now, don’t you plan to marry me?”

“Who told you I got divorced?” Lewis retorted.

Sierra replied, “Josephine just said so herself. Besides, she wouldn’t come to the movies with another man so brazenly if she wasn’t divorced, right?”

She deduced that Josephine wouldn’t have the guts to do such a thing if she was still married to Lewis. Otherwise, how could she dare to go on a date with another man as a married woman? She had to be divorced to do that.

Unexpectedly, she didn’t receive any form of confirmation from Lewis regarding the matter. On the contrary, her blabbering made his already grim expression darken further. He remained silent and walked away, leaving Sierra behind as he headed toward the parking lot.

Sierra stood still in her spot for a while. Within a few seconds, her emotions went from being on cloud nine to being down in the dumps. She knew Josephine wouldn’t lie, and she wasn’t willing to give up.

Hence, Sierra chased after Lewis. She then grabbed his hand and looked at him with a pitiful expression. “Lewis, tell me the truth. Are you and Josephine really divorced?”

“I think I’ve made myself very clear just now. What were you hoping to hear?”

Sierra opened her mouth to speak. Of course, she wanted to hear from him that they got divorced, and she wanted to hear Lewis’ promise that he would marry her. After all, she’d been waiting for this for so long. Her youth and time were all spent on him without reserve, waiting for the day when he would give his word that they would walk down the aisle.

She finally saw a tiny glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel, but Lewis’ reply thwarted that little bit of hope she had. How could she accept that?

Lewis stared at her with a solemn gaze. After a few seconds, he finally said, “Stop overthinking it and get in the car.”

His answer was still ambiguous, leaving Sierra immensely frustrated as she didn’t know where she stood. She sulkily opened the car door and got in. Feeling chagrined, she turned her head to one side and looked at the gloomy night scenery outside.

Sierra couldn’t ascertain what the actual situation was. She contemplated, “Is Lewis still not divorced? Or is he already divorced but has no intentions to marry me?”

If it turned out to be the latter, just the thought of it made Sierra feel suffocated. What was she

after following him around all these

brought Josephine to his pet shelter, but before entering, he sensed that something was off. The iron gate of the shelter was wide open, and it was eerily quiet inside. Furthermore, when his car lights illuminated the area ahead,

Josephine nearly slammed into the dashboard in front of her as she was lost in thought. She lunged forward, and the seatbelt across her chest almost. choked her. She looked at Quintin in confusion, but he’d already gotten out


was amiss, she quickly got off

inside were dim. Unlike before, Quintin wasn’t greeted with the dogs’ enthusiastic

realize something, and he suddenly rushed toward the sheds. Before he reached them, he saw several

taken care of, Mr.

all dead?”

a single one

hearing the conversation coming from the shadows, Quintin’s legs went weak, and his whole body slumped


darkness. Damian’s face gradually became visible in the light as he walked toward Quintin. Seeing his father’s familiar face, Quintin’s pale face turned even more ashen.

day?” Damian stared at him coldly, his stern

from the ground. Quintin pushed her hand away and got up on his

kill all the animals

were merely livestock. Are you going to sever ties with your

clenched his fists tightly,

this state, Damian sneered, “Look at the pathetic state you’re in right now. Did I raise to do such meaningless things? If word goes out that my son is dealing

“What is considered the right thing to do in your eyes? Am I supposed to be the same as you? Should I sleep with a celebrity today, a model tomorrow, and get myself a mistress


loud slap echoed through the shelter, and Quintin’s voice came to an

back to me with such nonsense! You

eyes, but in mine, they were all living, breathing beings who deserve to live just as much as we do! You have committed so many sins and

little furry creatures, how they wagged their tails and circled

lifeless bodies. His eyes reddened,

hundred! You’ve killed over

just animals-food on the table! If you’re so kind, why don’t you show sympathy when you eat meat, huh? Those meat on your dining table; those were lives too. Why don’t you save them,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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