Gilbert frowned, showing his reluctance. "You know how I feel about street food. It's just not clean."

Sherilyn said with a pleading look. "Just this time, please? I've got a real craving today."

"Alright, fine."

Gilbert gave in, remembering the old wives' tale that if a pregnant woman craves something, you have to let her have it. Otherwise, she'd hold it against you forever, bringing it up as a grievance at every chance.

He couldn't bear the thought of Sherilyn feeling that way.

Taking her hand, they headed towards the convenience store, with Gilbert reminding, "Just a little, okay?"

"Got it!"

As they turned, Caroline stood before them.

"Caroline," Gilbert was taken aback. "What are you doing here?"

"Just around," Caroline replied with a forced smile, clearly feeling left out. Was she invisible to him now that Sherilyn was all he could see?

Suddenly, Sherilyn let go of his hand, making Gilbert worry she was upset again. "Sherilyn?"

"Go talk. Abel can come with me," Sherilyn said brightly, nodding toward Abel.

"You're not mad?"


you?" Sherilyn rolled her eyes, tossing her hair with a

behind you,

scoffed, "So, she's here to see you or

Gilbert's expression darkened.

to face her with a measured gaze. "Don't talk about Sherilyn like that. She's

over her face. "But

anger barely contained. "I'm saying this one last time. The child is mine

words. "What I owe you has nothing to do with my partner

the convenience store, leaving Caroline frozen in place, shocked


into a hot dog that burst with

he cautioned, a small, amused smile playing on his

slightly, swallowing before


her hand, taking one for himself to taste. "Let me


disbelief. "A bite was all you needed!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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