Chapter 34 Gentleness is worthless in front of me

There were several other passers-by at where they were sheltering from the rain, and the moment they saw the car, they were all very surprised.


Bugatti Veyron? That would cost tens of millions!

What surprised them more was the young man’s words, “I walked around and I couldn’t find a shop

that sells umbrella. But I find an auto store, so I just bought a car for us to shelter from the rain.”

He bought a sports car just because of the rain?

Is that the way how rich men woo the girl they love?

That is a lot to envy.

Tracy was also shocked, thinking to herself that this was too high profile, but…… it was quite helpful to drive her anger away.

In the envious eyes of the crowd, she raised her chin and got into the car.

And about Ada, she was frozen in her stance.

Do John even need to say anything else?

Your boyfriend’s gentleness is worthless in front of my Bugatti Veyron.

However, at this point, John said meaningfully, “Well, well, if you don’t exercise moderation in your youth, you will shed tears in your old age!”

The old man’s hand suddenly trembled, wondering how this lad knew about that, but before he

could ask, he heard a bang.

The Bugatti Veyron started up and splashed Ada with dirty water.

The old man had no choice but to smile awkwardly and said, “your clothes are dirty, honey, let me

wipe it for you.”

I don’t want to

slapped the old man in the face.

Inside the car.

asked his younger brother curiously, “how much does

didn’t know much about the car brands. Like most girls, she only recognized the

had never seen a

from the configuration, it can’t

so. I didn’t ask the exact amount.

New York, since he didn’t own a car, he had to take his sister’s car when

was inconvenient at

across Ada got scoffed at by her. So he just bought a car as a way

ask about the specific price of

Veyron. He handed his VIP card to the salesman and pointed this car, “No need for introduction. This

got excited when seeing the

chamber of Commerce of City. Only those from patrician families or celebrities can get

usually took more than half an hour to get

clinic directly, John took Tracy on a slow

The rain gradually stopped.

there are even some

a good

a while, Tracy suddenly asked, “so have Queenie and Alice arranged any job

shook his head with

promising that this position would not require him to do anything. But John still didn’t like it

As for Alice.

he going to be a bartender in her bar? Or just

for a while and said, “Well, you can

medical certificate. It would

the pharmacy and I don’t need a license

wait for you to say

be many patients, but I have to go to the provincial city to get some Chinese medicine. So

setting me

out to touch

away his hand and


suddenly saw an old lady not far

No way!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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