Chapter 420 Attraction

Freya’s body swayed as she desperately gripped a nearby tree branch. She clenched her teeth, forcing herself to remain strong.

Before dinner, Jamie was probably afraid that she would reveal something during the meal. So, he made her take her regular medicine, temporarily suppressing her craving for Icy Sea.

If everything went according to his plans, dinner should have ended around now. So, it wast time for her usual injection of Icy Sea from him.

She couldn’t endure this agony for much longer!

Her hands started trembling, and the shaking became even more violent as the seconds ticked by. So, she soon found it difficult to stand.

Edward, who was worried that she would fall from the tree, cried, “What’s going on, Freya? Why don’t

you come down? I’ll smuggle you out through the front door!”

Even if they couldn’t pa*s through the front door, he had to find a way to send her away.

Alas, her vision blurred, and the pain was so intense that her craving for Icy Sea became even stronger. She could barely drag enough oxygen into her lungs as she leaned against the branch for support.

“I-I’m fine,” Freya stuttered through gritted teeth. The opportunity to leave was right in front. of her. She couldn’t afford to give this up due to this forced addiction that she had never wanted in the first place!

So, she forced herself to reach for the next tree branch..

Not far away, a cold voice suddenly spoke, “Do you think it’s a good idea to let her go?”

Freya, who was on the tree, and Edward, who was standing right below said tree, mechanically turned their heads toward the source of the voice.

Jamie, who was supported by Monkey, walked over. His arm was bleeding profusely. The wound was probably self-inflicted in order to keep himself awake.

Edward narrowed his eyes. “Jamie, let her go!”

Jamie merely sneered at Edward as he spat, “Edward, you truly are a wonderful brother. You actually drugged me for a woman!”

Edward stood in front of Jamie. “I said let her go!”

Jamie regarded Freya’s trembling hand with mocking eyes. “She’s deeply addicted to drugs. With her current condition, letting her go would only cause her unending misery. Kundin is not as safe as Florin, and it’s a country rife with patriarchy. A woman like her will be taken. away by some unsavory men as soon as she makes an appearance outside.”

Edward couldn’t believe what he was hearing. “What did you say? How did she become addicted to drugs?!”

as dry as the Sahara as he stared at Jamie Fraser. After a while, the

gazed at his younger brother impa*sively. “It’s exactly what you’re thinking. She wasn’t obedient, so I

a toy! She’s a person. She is the one

he could barely restrain himself from pouncing at Jamie. If it weren’t for the fact that the person in front of him was his own

to let her go?” Jamie said calmly, “Edward, I’ve watched you grow up. I understand your thoughts. Let her stay. You don’t want her to leave, either. I can arrange

out a cold laugh. “And then what? What about

away, I will take care of her. I promise not to harm her.

tightly. Freya, who was still on the tree, trembled, almost falling

we were kids, you said the same thing when you took

you interested in

you spewing? You are my only family in this world! She’s Professor Harlan. I can’t let her go!” Jamie frowned. There was no such thing as love in his world, only calculations and choices. The only warmth he had left

tightly and


said again and again that I want

lips into a sneer. “And what makes you think that I’ll

whisked out a small knife from his pocket and pressed it against his

sudden turn of events made the anguished Freya speak

his spine when he caught sight of the metallic


large, it was still more than enough to pierce an

he spoke, “Jamie, I have only ever a*sumed that you injected her with sedatives. I’ve never thought that I would be so wrong. Give it to me.

face turned pale!

your life for her?! Do you know how much effort I put into saving you? Are my

his lips tightly.

chilly; he was well and truly enraged

you will die, and I will lose my

responded, “Brother, I’m dying because of cancer. This has nothing to do with her! You can’t

his lips tightly and remained silent. The atmosphere was so tense that one could cut the

the situation, gently



from Jamie to catch Freya once she escaped.

but to freeze



had already pierced skin, and judging by the depth, it was near the artery. One more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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