Chapter 421 Theft

The two opposing brothers confronted each other. Jamie broke the silence first and hissed in irritation, “Edward, she’s already gone. You can put the knife down now!”

Edward stubbornly shook his head, “If I put it down now, you’ll immediately send someone to chase after her, won’t you?”

He knew his brother all too well.



least he could do now was hold himself hostage for as long as possible. That way, there would be a greater chance for Freya to escape from Jamie’s twisted grasp.

Edward pursed his lips as he thought of that. It was as if he could feel her getting farther and farther away from him.

Perhaps this would be the last time he would ever see her.

Freya vaulted over the wall and immediately headed towards a small path after landing on a


She had been brought here while she was unconscious. Still, it didn’t prevent her from figuring out the direction based on the sunrise and sunset.

As she swept her gaze across the surrounding trees, she quickly determined that she was in the north of Kundin. In Kundin, the safest place was the capital.

On the other hand, the north of Kundin was… a mess.

Freya darted down the small pathway heading south.

Time pa*sed bit by bit. Meanwhile, Edward was still standing under the tree, his eyes never straying from Jamie and Monkey.

As the sky darkened, the lights in the villa had already been turned on..

Jamie looked at Edward’s pale face and said, “Put down the knife. I promise I won’t go after her anymore.”

Edward chuckled lightly before retorting, “Jamie, we understand each other too well. Don’t bother trying to deceive me.”

Another half an hour pa*sed, and Edward’s body began to tremble slightly due to the strain.

Jamie’s gaze was fixed on the knife in Edward’s hand. He was genuinely terrified that Edward might accidentally pierce his own artery.


Since Edward had been raising his arm for quite some time, it had gradually become stiff and numb.

already in the advanced stage of stomach cancer. So, his physical strength was also failing. He was currently relying on nothing but his strong willpower and love for Freya to

pa*sed, and Edward suddenly lost strength and

hastily stepped forward and

Alas, Jamie read Edward’s mind before Edward could pull yet

really the best brother in the world. Blackmailing me for the sake

and keep a close watch on him! Don’t

handed Edward over to Monkey, he walked outside with a grim expression on his

for breath as he questioned sharply, “You’re going to

snapped, “I won’t stop unless she’s dead! Otherwise, I will definitely

mumbled, “Jamie, it

the second time today that Edward had said this.

to cure you,” Jamie spat.

upon hearing his response. “I won’t let her fall into

to take on the

with his status as a teenager, he was at the bottom of the food chain. It was precisely this particular vulnerability

and hardship to get to where he was now.

transformed into nothing but a demon

when he wanted it. His mood swings were unpredictable at best and downright

closed his eyes

protect her any longer. Still, he had managed to stall Jamie and his men for at least half a day. Hopefully, she had managed to flee far enough that Jamie would never be able to get

Kundin’s capital

and was underdeveloped as a result of the strife they suffered. So, the road was lined with desolate forests and irritating

moonlight illuminated the trees by the road, giving

forest, unable to walk on the road as it would

only seen three. However, judging by the worn-out cars and the anti-theft windows, she knew the people in those cars were far from savory.


the wrong end of a surgical blade and getting her kidneys

but to avoid those cars and make her way through the forest. Nonetheless, she made sure to stay at least ten meters away from the

gradually returning as she kept a brisk

replenish her energy every night. However, she hadn’t taken any tonight.

dilapidated road sign after another half

a small

its chaos. So, she had no intention of staying there. She just


ahead. She wanted to enter the town because only by entering the town would she have a chance to find transportation. Otherwise, there was a high chance of her starving to death, being targeted by a pack of wolves, or being captured by illegal organizations as she made her way to Kundin’s capital. Her current location on the

be difficult to escape Jamie’s men if she entered the town once they

underdevelopment. There were only a few high-rise buildings in the

she decided to head

clearly malnourished and


row of tents and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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