Chapter 461 Clues to the Pattern


After her conversation with Radley, Freya sat on the bed, her emotions in turmoil. She couldn’t anymore, so she decided to head to the study. There, she powered up her computer and logged into The Green Flamation forum, where she posted a task commissioning someone to investigate the background of “Melodie Heiss.”

If she could prove that Melodie was, in fact, Danna, she could utilize previous evidence to sue and demonstrate that Darrin had aided Danna in creating a false identity.

Freya frowned as she noticed that Melodie had been actively participating in various dinner invitations in Caltun recently. Melodie’s sterling character and demeanor had won her favor among many, most genuinely believing she was merely a Danna look-alike. In short, Melodie had become quite popular in Caltun, especially among wealthy women.

After posting the task, Freya quickly received a private message from Jakob.

Killblade asked, ‘GS, why didn’t you directly inform me and Michael about the task?”

She chuckled lightly and replied, ‘I thought Michael had been occupied investigating the LEV organization. lately, and you’ve been safeguarding my master. I assumed you both wouldn’t have the time.

Killblade said, ‘I haven’t found any recent clues. You can cancel the task. I’ll take it.

Her worries eased with Jakob taking on the investigation. She promptly canceled the task and took a short nap in her room.

By two o’clock in the afternoon, Freya got up from her bed. As she descended to the first floor, Mrs. Parker, had already arrived. She, along with Sylvia and Brisa, was engaged in a chess match with Isabella.

Freya leaned in for a closer look and couldn’t help but notice that Brisa was a novice in chess. Brisa was pitted against the three who had been deeply immersed in the game for the past few months, and it was evident she was losing badly.

It reminded Freya of her struggles not long ago.

Isabella was in high spirits after securing her victory. Mrs. Parker gazed at her belly, suggesting, “After a few more rounds, let’s walk in the garden. Sitting too long isn’t good for you.”

Afterward, Isabella headed out. Freya took her spot on the chessboard, adding one more loser to the tally.

By four-thirty in the afternoon, she had played several rounds of chess. Later, she joined Brisa as her. “backseat strategist,” offering advice with a fruit plate nearby. However, they continued to lose dismally.

Parker couldn’t help but laugh, covering her lips. Three heads are better than one, but you two are still losing

“I’ll win

told you not to move the rook there earlier,

told you not to move the king, you didn’t listen to me either. We wouldn’t have lost if you hadn’t moved that piece there!”

the two bantered back and forth, Mrs. Parker watched with



home is so lively. Since Izzy got married, my home has become much quieter. I regret not having another son back then. At least

if you had another son, he might have given


is a bit

find Izzy a handful then. Back at home, she used to be

as a

was a call from

said, “Master,

for eight years, I won’t

didn’t mind. “It’s the weekend today, and I have nothing to do in the afternoon.

serious. “You have

heard the gravity in his voice. What’s wrong, Master?”


gold thread pattern tucked in The Compendium of Medical Wisdom. She was unsure of it then, so she drew it and took a photo to show Inken. Those papers with the pattern were left with her master.


over, and we’ll talk about it,”

inside the book and had investigated with many people. She had also consulted many ancient books but couldn’t

room and informed Sylvia, who was playing chess, that she

closer to the truth. The closer she got, the

p.m., and the Monaghan

quickly answered the call.

turned serious. “Radley, do you have time now?”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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