Chapter 462 The Terrifying Fortune

Brandon appeared solemn. “Material possessions are not the most important thing in this small country. The true treasure of this land is said to be a stone that fell from the sky.”

Freya nodded, her curiosity piqued. “A meteorite? Meteorites aren’t typically considered valuable, right?”

As she examined “The Compendium of Medical Wisdom,” a book from the Middle Ages, the gold thread pattern tucked inside remained intact. This suggested that ancient craftsmen attached immense. importance to it.

He smiled, adding depth to the tale. “It might be a meteorite, but it’s said to be an incredibly dazzling stone, shimmering with many colors.”

As she listened, it increasingly sounded like a myth. “And then?”

“Legend has it that this stone can cure all diseases. The king of this small country owned the stone and lived for over a hundred years.”

Brandon chuckled, emphasizing the remarkable nature of the story. “In an era where the average lifespan was forty to fifty years, this is nothing short of legendary.”

Freya laughed skeptically. “Why would anyone believe in such a legend?”

He pointed to the sketches she had copied, deepening the mystery. “It may be a legend, but when you see these sketches, do you still think it’s merely a myth?”

She fell silent, her skepticism wavering.

Internet rumors about meteorites curing diseases have circulated for years. No matter how skeptical she was, she couldn’t help but suspect that the museum curator might have fabricated the story.

Freya asked, her doubts persisting, “What about this pattern?”

Brandon nodded, providing further context. “It’s said that this treasure brought calamity to the small country and attracted the attention of a larger nation. To aid future generations in finding it, the ruler of the small country left behind these patterns.”

uncertain. “I still think the museum curator made it up.”

together. “But I’ve only seen this pattern once and found it exceptionally peculiar. It wasn’t until I saw you copied this pattern and connected it to your recent experiences. Frey, I wondered if you’ve


yet it’s remarkably magnificent. Its texture is unlike that of a typical stone. It’s almost as if it’s alive, very soft,

didn’t believe in legends, but she now suspected that the LEV organization was after this stone to obtain the golden thread pattern from “The Compendium of

thought and replied, “Mythical stories have always

and went on a date with Radley. As they exited the traditional courtyard, she got into her car, and Radley instructed

fool. How could he possibly believe in

was rife with countless fabricated rumors. Radley furrowed his brow and replied, “Perhaps there was a place like that in the

immortal ruler, and the country’s destruction due to the guilt of possessing a precious artifact. I find this story absurd, but what exactly

it before, and why hasn’t Jamie given up on it? There

said, “With a story, at least we have something to investigate.” She recalled what Brandon had told her about the meteorite. It was as large as a tiger and seemed

flashed through Freya’s mind, causing her to freeze.



know what

furrowed his brow and inquired, “What is it?”

was getting closer to uncovering the truth. Like her, Falcon and Jamie had pieced together information from the legend despite their skepticism about it. The disparity in

pressed her lips together, her excitement building. “Someone once estimated that the value of californium is two billion per gram.”

moment of silence filled

was composed of such a valuable substance, worth two billion per gram. What would

costs around 190 million Florin per gram. Its global reserves are currently minimal, and it’s typically

do you believe the meteorite

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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