Punished by his love

Chapter 913 – 914

Read Chapter 913 – 914 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 913

Moreover, if you smoke that thing, your body will collapse soon!

Now Moira is anxious to get rid of the man. She thinks about it and asks the man to deal with Suzi, and then he gives the man a large sum of money.

If Suzi is dealt with, Arron will definitely go to the man to settle the accounts!

At that time, it will kill two birds with one stone.

However, Moira must not let Jarod know about this, otherwise Jarod would dare to break her leg.

The family of three was thinking about halfway through, and Pan Haoyang’s domestic helper came over to drive them away.

“Sorry, Mr. Lin, Mrs. Lin, Mrs. Lin, please go out!” the domestic helper said unceremoniously.

A family of three was kicked out of the living room. At this time, Suzi, Shen Only, and Pan Haoyang were still in the yard.

Lilly was still stepping on Pan Haoyang’s shoes with his feet. Pan Haoyang’s high-end custom-made shoes worth more than 100,000 yuan were stepped on by Shen Zhongzhi like a squash.

Pan Haoyang was not angry at all.

Instead, he bent down and smiled and looked at Lilly: “How about it, are you venting your anger now?”

Lilly couldn’t understand: “What the hell! You are shit!”

Turning her face, she saw the Lin family of three who were going out. Lilly pointed to her defeated general Lanita and said to Pan Haoyang: “You…you marry her, I am not angry!”

In Shen Only’s eyes, his father belongs to his mother anyway. The mother belongs to the father, no one can miss her father and mother.

Pan Haoyang: “…The only one, you…how do you want to kill me? You let me marry this ugly monster?”

Lanita + Jarod + Moira: “…”

“You two are the most suitable!”

“You forgive uncle.” Pan Haoyang put his hands together.

Turning his head, he saw Lanita look viciously at the only one, he immediately yelled, “Don’t get out yet!”

The family of three reluctantly left the eastern courtyard full of grievances.

“Go, take you to a place.” Pan Haoyang continued to say to Suzi.

“Where to go!”

you don’t, then you can only know when you

Suzi: “…go out?”


Suzi “Good!”

mansion, you might be able to see Arron as soon as you go out. Suzi dare not contact Arron now, because she knows very well that she and Arron are here, apart from

you can see

took Suzi’s shoulders, and Suzi led Shen’s only three

one was

around and couldn’t

if it is

She was extremely anxious.

Where is Arron?

be caught, or even killed

got into Pan Haoyang’s car. About half an hour after the car

and saw the

Chapter 914

only place where she and Arron got off

We…” Lilly recognized this place at a

to say something, and

afraid that the children would accidentally betray her

saw Suzi like this and sneered: “What do you want to stop your daughter? You don’t want to tell me that your husband Arron got off here too? Suzi, on Gasing Island, and my

Pan Haoyang’s words like this, Suzi’s heart

Haoyang: “Can you tell me where my

Haoyang: “Tell you,

dies, my daughter and I will

Pan Haoyang: “You…”

if he lives?” Pan Haoyang asked

be with him and fight you

Pan Haoyang: “…”

my husband?” Suzi asked

to tell you, I don’t know where your husband is, I want to find him too,

there was anything wrong with his eye being hit by a small thing, and the

he checked the front, back, left, and right of the mansion, but he didn’t

is like the world

Pan Haoyang’s words like this, Suzi’s heart

knew that her husband would

That wolf-like man.

coming empty-handed, he must

saw Suzi’s expression, Pan Haoyang’s heart seemed to be pierced

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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