Punished by his love

Chapter 915 – 916

Read Chapter 915 – 916 of the Novel Punished by His Love.

Chapter 915

On the contrary, Suzi’s light temperament reveals a little mature beauty.

Let her unknowingly have a little smoke.

It’s the kind of fascinating smoke.

Look at the little dumpling next to her.

The little dumpling is wearing a fire-red round cute bat-shaped sweater, and underneath is a pair of denim harem pants printed with cartoon patterns. The hip-hop style of this body looks very foreign, and the little dumpling is holding a half-large in his hands. Stupid bear, the big stupid bear was pretty good-looking, but the waiters looked intently and almost startled.

Oh mom!

Where are the eyes of this big stupid bear?

Is the style of today’s little bit girl so weird?

Like big stupid bears without eyeballs?

Looking at Xiao Lennyzi’s small face, it was round, and there were still two tears in her eyes. She pouted, not very happy, looking around with grunting teary eyes.


Such a little bun is much more cute than the well-mannered bun, with a smile on his face as an adult asked for, and a very polite bun!

Simply cute.

In Gasing Island, no one does not know the monarch’s brother Pan Siye.

If the monarch is the emperor.

Then Pan Siye was like a king.

How high above the ordinary Siye Pan!

It is cold, feminine, and does not eat the fireworks in the world. Although it is naturally beautiful, although the entire Gasing Island wants to marry Pan Siye, there are countless women, but no one dares to really get close to Pan Siye. .

Therefore, Master has always been a lonely existence in Gasing Island.

His car is always black.

Behind him is always a group of bodyguards in black suits. Even if he comes to a hotel for a meal, he is accustomed to going alone.

And today, this is the first time Pan Siye brought a woman who was so graceful and calm, and a little thing with a pouting face, dissatisfied and tearful, holding a stupid bear without eyeballs in this hall. .

What a spectacle.

master to leave before they talk in a low

is this


did you hear that the fourth master got married, has

“Never heard of it.”

“That’s it…”

The eyes of the fourth master of the mother


“What’s the situation…”

and waitresses, Pan Haoyang had already taken Suzi to the lounge on

didn’t want a private

is an elegant

He has his purpose.

come up one after another, and each one is full of

didn’t have much

bathroom first, and come back later, I will introduce you

afraid that I ran away with the

can you run?” Pan Haoyang asked

Suzi: “…”

the dish on the table, took a pen to mark out the types of dishes that had been served, and said to Suzi: ” Take a look, madam,

looked at the menu, he was

Chapter 916

the menu, where is the


Bring the only one who lives in Pan Haoyang’s Eastern Courtyard. If there is any

Suzi: “…”

the waiter, who

looked at

unknown is: “What’s the matter,

have fun, eat as much as we want, and be happy, you know, baby?”

is the only so

immediately understood what her mother

with two tears in his eyes

developed a human spirit after five or six years of wandering with her mother. A look in her mother’s eyes, Lilly could tell, that father is

know!” Lilly

of three or two minutes, when Pan Haoyang came back again, Lilly still had tears on her face. She

only thing Shen said

looks yellow, and

cut it for you.”

pouted and looked


looked at Pan Haoyang, Pan Haoyang immediately said again: “This shortbread is crispy and sweet, and it tastes like chocolate, and then it tastes a

Only licked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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