Chapter 39 Ava: Her Identity

You have the potential, Selene says, her voice a cautious whisper in my mind. The arcane flows through your veins. But…

My breath escapes me in a giddy rush. Magic. Real magic. Human magic. It's something out of a fairy tale, not something that should exist in my life. Then again, supernaturals exist—and we're pretty nonstandard, ourselves.

It's not that simple, Selene continues, her tone growing more serious. Magic is not a toy, little one. It's a force of nature, raw and untamed. To wield it requires knowledge, discipline, and control.

I swallow hard, feeling the warning in her words. "But how do I learn? I don't even know where to start."

You would need a teacher, Selene explains, her voice tinged with hesitation. Someone well-versed in the arcane arts, who could guide you, show you how to harness and control your power. But magic is a lost art. Magicians were lost to the curse and became shifters.

Talk about a letdown.

"So, I won't be able to do magic." Is that how you say it? Do magic? Cast magic? Spell magic? Cast spells? It all feels weird in my mouth.

It is unlikely, Selene says, but she still has that cautious sound to her voice.

"If I tried, what's the worst that could happen?"


A simple word, bluntly given, with all the truth in the world behind it. I shudder at the matter-of-fact tone.

teach each other, too many lives were lost in the pursuit of the power within them. Do not open that

my arms vigorously, trying to regain some of the

of course. But—if Selene says it's too dangerous, I believe her. It isn't worth

bothering me from the beginning. "Selene, you're my wolf,

Of course.

me? No

hums, a thoughtful sound that echoes through my mind. You were born bonded with the ancient magic, she explains in that non-explaining way, where nothing is really answered. We are both separate

shifters are bonded with ancient magic, and they

that can't be helped, Selene sighs, and I can almost

now? And what are we, exactly? Are you a

a quiet pride.

better. "How

more important that you take a cold shower before your heat starts

spine, and I can feel the first tendrils of heat starting to

to be in a frantic state like yesterday. But I can't let this conversation go just yet. I'm finally getting

mean, we're separate and one at the same time? I don't understand

understand yet. But trust me when I say that everything will be

demand answers, but the heat is building faster now, and I can feel my skin starting to prickle with sweat. I need to

One humiliation is enough.

the ground as I go. Niceties are foregone; I just want to get control of my body

wolf. I don't know how far they are, but they're close enough that I'm lifting my

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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