Chapter 118 Unless You Kneel Down in Front of Me

Seeing that he said nothing, Amanda let out a sneer and turned toward the guest room. I’ll just take a shower, get changed, and get out of here as soon as possible.

While she was showering and getting changed, Elias stood outside the room, smoking one cigarette after another. In reality, he wasn’t entirely skeptical about what she said. He did seriously ponder if she was telling the truth.

The door opened with a click. Amanda came out of the room, having changed into clean clothes. “Thanks,” she said to him expressionlessly before walking to the elevator without even looking back. She didn’t want to stay here even for a second.

Catching up with her, the man suddenly said, “You couldn’t resist hitting Grace when you went to her that day. I can understand that.” After all, had it not been for Grace, Amanda wouldn’t have lost her baby for no reason back then.

Amanda replied, “No, you don’t understand. To this day, you still don’t understand why I hate Grace so much. But now, I don’t want your understanding anymore.” Standing before the elevator, she looked at the man next to her, who looked so much like Aiden. They’re truly father and son. She had to admit that the idea of reuniting Aiden with this guy had sprung up in her mind many times during this period, but now, she had abandoned this idea altogether. I’d better let Aiden grow up by my side. It goes without saying that he can enjoy a life of wealth and high society once he returns to the Winters Family, but countless women are eyeing the position of the wife of the future head of the Winters Family. It’s hard to imagine what they’ll do to Aiden in order to get this position, and besides, Elias can’t even tell when a woman is only pretending to be pure and innocent. This is too dangerous. I’ve brought Baby up well over the last four years; surely, I can raise him to adulthood in the future.

Elias replied, “In that case, you should tell me about it. How am I supposed to know if you’re not saying anything?” He was getting more and more puzzled as to what this woman was trying to say. She always spoke ambiguously, as though there was more to it than what she said.

a Ding! However, Amanda ignored the man completely and was about to get into

make me fret, I know you’re sincerely trying to get on my nerves, and you’ve achieved your purpose.

giving me that slap across the face, nor do you have the right to ask me after that. Please

know what it would take to get her to open up and accept him. Right now, she chose to ignore him no matter what he did. She wouldn’t accept him at all, which put him at a loss for what to

Amanda replied with a calm expression, “You want to


you kneel in

hint of shock flickered across Elias’ pitch-black eyes. He had never knelt down in front of anyone before-not

could a proud golden boy like him easily kneel down in front of a woman? Even if he were to be reduced to poverty, he probably wouldn’t kneel down in front of anyone either. That was exactly why she asked him to do such a

out of the estate. His pitch-black eyes had vexation written all over them. This woman is determined to cut all ties with me. She’s asking me to

a look at it; it was a phone call from Grace. He had no desire to answer the phone whatsoever, but the phone kept ringing, as

gone too far! You actually had all those comments in favor of me deleted from the internet, and you even sued those tabloid magazines and entertainment news websites that helped me set the record straight! Do you hate me that much, or do you love Amanda that much? Are you still gonna defend her like this even after she did something wrong? Didn’t you see my face? The doctor said there’s no way for it to be restored to the way it was! What should I do?!

wouldn’t have lost her baby four years ago. Had it not been for you, she wouldn’t

that I deserve to get my face disfigured? Do I deserve to end

the space between his eyebrows with slender fingers, saying, “I’ve contacted medical specialists

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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