Chapter 119 I Only Believe You, Mommy

Amanda waited outside after driving to the movie theater where Selina and Aiden were. Supposedly, the movie would end in about 15 minutes. Feeling a little thirsty, she decided to buy a bottle of drink from the automatic vending machine nearby. She got out of the car, walked up to the automatic vending machine, and paid for the drink with her cell phone, after which she waited for her drink to come out.

Just then, several young girls walked past her. First, they stared at her peculiarly; then they started whispering among themselves. One of them asked, “Is that the wornan who disfigured Grace Murphy’s face? She looks very much like the woman in the video.”

Her friend replied, “Yeah, she seems to be that woman. She looks just like the woman in that security footage!”

Consequently, more and more people stopped to look on, and all of them were talking about Amanda behind her back.

Amanda had just uncapped her drink and taken a sip from it when she noticed a large crowd gathered behind her. These people were of all ages and both genders; one who had no clue what was going on would think they were watching some actors in the middle of shooting a film. She looked back at these people with a confused expression, feeling puzzled as she couldn’t make out what they were talking about. Just when she wanted to walk away, a middle-aged woman suddenly stopped her, saying, “Hey, are you the woman who disfigured Grace Murphy’s face? How could you be so cruel at such a young age? Don’t you know how important the face of an actress is? Is it worth doing that for a man?”

Amanda changed color instantly. It’s really the age of information now. After the security footage got uploaded to the internet, almost everyone in the country could watch it on their phone, and they could even recognize me on the street! She didn’t say a word since it was pointless to say anything in such a situation. She walked toward her car, wanting to leave as quickly as possible.

Much to her dismay, these people surrounded her completely, preventing her exit. One of them shouted, “It’s her! She looks just like the woman in that security footage!”

woman must be brought to justice, or else there’ll be more and

the sake of a man! What’s more,

All hell’s gonna break loose if she gets away

clamor. Perhaps I really shouldn’t go out these days, I should hole up at home instead and wait until I find evidence to prove my innocence. She had Elias to help her out back in the hospital, but now, there was no way the man would

other direction. Seizing the opportunity, Amanda quickly slipped out of the crowd, spraining her ankle as she walked in high heels. Despite the acute pain, she ran toward her

swearing angrily along the way. One of them yelled, “Stop right there, you wicked and vicious mistress! Not only did you steal someone’s boyfriend, you even disfigured her face! You’re

should get condemned in public, you shameless

car door just in time to see

going on. Picking up the boy, she quickly

of this crowded shopping mall. Watching those people gradually disappear in the rearview mirror, she finally breathed a sigh of

and asked in a

Baby heard what they said just now… She was lost for words. For a while, she didn’t even know how

things over by pulling the boy into her arms. “Aiden, will you be good and sit tight? Your mom can’t get distracted while driving,

okay…” Aiden obediently shut

Aiden might get affected in kindergarten. But how

in Galaxy Bay, Selina went to make dinner, whereas Amanda stayed in the living

watching cartoons obediently. He didn’t make a fuss, nor did he ask again why

his head. “Baby, if someone says bad things about me in front of you, will you

“Of course not. I spend every single day with you, and I know you better than

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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