Chapter 120 I Want to Tell You a Secret

Besides, this little brat is handsome. He’s sure to get girls when he’s older.



“Everyone has a dad when they are born, right?” Aiden blinked his huge eyes as if he was asking a serious question.

Even though Amanda didn’t want to answer that question, she had to admit it. “Yes.”

“Then, where’s my dad? Do you have his picture, Mommy? Can I see?”

Amanda’s heart constricted as she looked at the anticipation on Aiden’s face.

“Why do you suddenly want to see your dad’s picture? Don’t you hate him?”

For some reason, Aiden had always hated his father. It might be due to her telling him that his dad didn’t want them anymore.

Aiden jumped down from her embrace and said, “Today at kindergarten, the teacher told us that everyone was born because Daddy loved Mommy. But Mommy said Daddy didn’t want us anymore. If Daddy didn’t love Mommy, how did you give birth to me?”

Amanda was speechless and didn’t know what to say.

Did Elias love her? At least he didn’t even when she was pregnant with Aiden.

wanted to explain but didn’t know how

a long time. “Mommy, I

Mommy why you must see his picture?” Aiden had never asked for this. This

I don’t look like Mommy. So, I probably look like Daddy. I want to see what Daddy looks like to see if

answer made Amanda fall silent once again. She was at a loss as to what to do.

very much alike to Elias; it was as if he was replicated. But she didn’t want Aiden to return to the

I’m sorry. I don’t have your father’s picture. So, I can’t let

to her words. His bright eyes lost their light as he pursed his lips. “Fine. I won’t see it.. Daddy doesn’t love us at all. He didn’t even leave a picture behind. I hate him

Selina walked into the living room and called, “Aiden. Amanda. It’s

dining hall but turned around to call for Amanda

as she looked at Aiden’s somber back. He only wanted to see his father’s picture,

and went to the dining hall. It felt like something was stuck in her throat as she saw Aiden

you look so pale?” Selina served the last dish onto the table and realized something was off

and shook her head in response. “Let’s

Aiden and put him to sleep while Amanda went to the balcony

of days and her mind was in a whirlwind. The only thought in her mind now was to prove her innocence. But how was she going to do that?

saw that it was a call from Simon. I didn’t go to the law firm


she didn’t go to the law firm or what

“I’m alright…”

You’re not that dumb in my

it wasn’t me. I will find the evidence to

of the phone was silent for a few seconds then said. “That surveillance footage is the best

smile on Amanda’s face gradually disappeared.

again. “If you’re

How was he going to help her? She was just asking

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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