Chapter 366 Wedding by the End of the Month

Edith couldn’t help but say, “Are you guys overthinking things? I believe that Crispin truly loves Steph, and I only hope that he’ll treat her with sincerity. There’s nothing else I ask for.”

“You have a point.” Amanda stopped dwelling on the topic. She knew she couldn’t persuade Edith, event though the woman was her mother.

On the other hand, Jack fell deep in thought.

When Stephanie returned to her room upstairs, she plunged onto the bed and buried her face in the pillow before bawling her eyes out.

She felt that everyone was mocking her, especially Amanda.

Both of them were from the Allegra Family. While Amanda found one of the wealthiest men in the country, Elias Winters, Stephanie ended up with a poor guy, Crispin Coyote. Even the wedding was fully paid for by the Allegras.

As such, it was only natural that she was frustrated.

Crispin soon entered the room and closed the door.

However, he didn’t go over and appease her in a hurry, unlike what he would usually do in the past. Instead, he slowly sat down on the bed and watched as the woman’s shoulders trembled.

Since they had gotten the marriage license, he could be considered part of the Allegra Family. As such, he just had to act normally.

Also, Stephanie had been repeatedly throwing a tantrum in the past few days, so his patience was running


She felt the man sitting on the bed, but he just wouldn’t placate her. Burning with rage in an instant, she lifted her head from the pillow and bellowed. “Get lost! Stop annoying me!”

“What’s the point of being sad, Steph? Let bygones be bygones. Since we now have the marriage license, we’re a legally married couple. You should stop thinking of the past,” Crispin said perfunctorily.

Nevertheless, Stephanie was even more enraged upon hearing that. She pushed the man away and barked, “What makes you think you can speak to me like this? Do you seriously believe you’re already part of the Allegras just because we have gotten our marriage license? Are you also despising me because I was f*cked by a wretched middle-aged man?”

put on a smile. “Well, I should thank that man. If not for him, you wouldn’t have

flared up, saying, “What do you mean by that? Are

saying that just because I slept with that wretched middle-aged

rose to his feet and went to pour her a cup of water in silence. Then, he held the cup out for her and




“Tin asking you

that’s a price. you have to pay for betraying me. Just get over it, and you’ll realize it’s no big deal. I don’t mind it His voice sounded so nonchalant that


in disbelief. “What are you talking about? Is that what a human is even supposed to say? What do you mean that it’s a

true, though? If you were not in love with Elias, all of that

even though he was the mastermind behind the incident. Also, he

utterly disappointed when he saw the woman willingly arrive

though Crispin was the one who bedded her that night,

thought about it,

loved Crispin only, but she eventually betrayed him and was even willing

didn’t expect Crispin to say such a thing. Has he only been pretending that he

much, you don’t have to marry me. It’s not like I love you! Countless men will line. up to woo me!” Stephanie felt humiliated, for even a man who used to be her simp now belittled her as

you I don’t mind it, so you’d better not harp on this issue. Otherwise, it’ll be mentally taxing för both

her had changed. He was no longer the gentleman she

to love.

muttered. You wouldn’t talk to me

be loyal to me, but you’re in love with Elias now. You love him so much that you were even willing

was speechless

just move on and stop thinking about the past. It’s not like you can change anything. You’d better get some rest.

he left the bedroom and closed

moment the door was shut, Stephanie broke down mentally. She picked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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